Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Who Needs the Patriot Act?

The Brownesville Herald reports on the upcoming trial of a couple of drug smugglers who evidently were courting the possibility of smuggling some even more dangerous cargo:

Recorded telephone conversations authorized under the U.S. Patriot Act and a court order captured the La Feria truck driver referring to the 20 men as “gente de Osama” or “Osama’s people.”
During a Jan. 5, 2005, telephone conversation, Exinia described the men as “Iraqis,” ages 25 to 33, who were willing to pay $8,000 for transportation past Border Patrol checkpoints in South Texas and into the U.S. interior.
Exinia mentioned that eight of the men were coming to Progreso, northwest of Brownsville. He said they were “dangerous” and “really bad people.” They carried guns and made the smuggler that was helping them “afraid.”

Let the Dems and the ACLU have the microphone so they can express their hostility towards our security methods. For Republicans and other sane portions of our society, this issue is a winner.

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