Wednesday, November 01, 2006

When Cats Have To Pee

A disgusting display. This is the kind of tasteless and vulgar behavior that we've come to expect from the feline world. Unlike dogs, who patiently and graciously wait by the door until they can attend to their business outside, cats demand a smelly, hygenically unsound box of dirt inside the home, in which to tender their dooky. Fouling the very domicile that the doting and ignorant cat owner provides, these felines seem to express no gratitude, but rather disdain for the tasteless simpletons who inexplicably choose feed and care for them.

The entire staff at Malott's Blog sincerely believe that laws should be passed, limiting the breeding and housing of cats to only those numbers necessary for medical experiments.

Thank you.


janice said...

In total agreement here Chris.

There was a survey that concluded democrats favored cats, while republicans favored dogs.

I'm a dog person.....

Malott said...


I believe that survey. I'm excited to hear about that survey. Republicans value loyalty and shun the treacherous.

It all makes perfect sense.

SkyePuppy said...

I have to admire your altruism here. Knowing that Miss Feline-Lover has been a bit overwhelmed lately, you have attempted to draw out her claws... er, her attention and give it another focus, thereby easing the stresses of her daily life.

What a fine, fine man you are, warm and caring. And loyal. Like a dog.

Malott said...

Yes, Skyepuppy, it's true. It's all true.

...except the part about "easing the stresses of her daily life." I figure you got to get after these people when they're down and can't adequately defend themselves. That's how 5'9" small framed men fight. That's how we make it to 50 with a nice smile intact.

You see, Skyepuppy, the disturbing picture I posted - is to cat trash - like the drawing of Mohammed with the bombs on his head - is to radical muslims. I'm sure you see the parallels.

But when you wrote, "What a fine, fine man you are, warm and caring. And loyal. Like a dog..." I'm sure everyone who knows me would agree.

But you left out humble.

SkyePuppy said...


But you left out humble.

Yes, I did.

Anonymous said...

I hate cats.

Wow, I feel so much better now.

Malott said...

RW Prof,

Then you're always welcome here!