Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A Difficult Question

Last Sunday my Sunday School Teacher, an early-retired United Auto Worker, told us how he had met a Hispanic Preacher who wanted to start training and educating local Hispanic People - to become Preachers in Indiana and to start new Hispanic churches - and how he wanted to develop a curriculum in Spanish to accomplish this. My Sunday School Teacher thought our church could look into financing this. (I think you know where this is headed?)

At the time I said nothing. If I had, perhaps the conversation would have gone something like this:

Malott: Uh, I have a problem with this... I mean, if you want to start a Bible College in Mexico, I'm right there with you. But when we start providing non-English help to non-English-speaking people in this country, we will likely be working with undocumented people and contributing to the illegals' infrastructure... and I'm opposed to that.

Sunday School Teacher: Yes, but they're already here and this is a Christian Outreach that...

Malott: interrupting...But we will be treading closely to the territory of the radical priest or the politically-liberal Mennonite who actively supports illegal activity by facilitating illegal immigration - And then when the illegal shows up at the hospital where I work and rips-off a system into which he doesn't pay - ultimately effecting my income - I've noticed that the Mennonite never shows up to pay the bill. Come to think of it, he doesn't pay for the Illegal's children's education, either. Or anything else...

SST: I think someone needs to work on his Christian attitude...

Malott: face reddening... I'll try to develop the Christian attitude of the United Auto Worker when GM or Chrysler relocates a plant among the poor people of Mexico...

SST: interrupting...Now I think that is an entirely different thing...

Malott: I expect you would!

Now, wasn't I wise to keep my mouth shut?


janice said...

I know how you feel Chris. When I complain about the democrats giving away my hard earned fish to those less fortunate, that I'd rather teach them to fish, I'm told I have an attitude.

Anonymous said...

you may want to check out my blog from back in may regarding immigration. check it out here. blessings - josh

Anonymous said...

By the way, my grandfather is a retired GM UAW who also happens to be Mexican-American.