Friday, November 10, 2006

Will Radical Islam Be Our Cross?

And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. Matthew 26:39 KJV

A great many Christians in this country start their day on their knees praying a similar prayer concerning Radical Islam. They see what is happening in Europe and they consider the worldwide birth rates among Muslims - and they wonder just what could stem the oncoming inevitability. They cling to the notion that America is blessed by God and that this Christian Nation would never be forsaken by the Almighty. After all, the Christians in this country support Christian Missions throughout the world and are surely the last hope for the message of Christ. They feel entitled to the freedom to worship and the comfortable lifestyle they have come to take for granted.

It's pretty to think that we are immune from persecution because of our token monetary and personal expenditures towards the Kingdom, but I believe certain facts dowse such confidences.

How many babies has America aborted? Has this rich country instilled sufficient materialism to poison its future, to taint what's left of its values - producing a culture bereft of decency and moral resolve?

And the Church? Moody Radio estimates that 50% of American males and 20% of the females in the Church are addicted to pornography on the internet and via other sources.

Is it indicative of our lukewarm faith that most American church-goers are better equipped intellectually to quote Seinfeld episodes than scripture? And what percentage of the world's richest Christians actually tithe? Even if we believe that God awards protection to faithful countries and peoples - we hardly rate His intervention.

I believe that God will mold and structure worldwide events in such a way that will bring glory to Him. In the spiritual realm, the Principalities of Good and Darkness pay attention to more salient realities than our little sense of justice - our perceived notion of entitlement - and glean more spiritual gravitas from a persecuted huddling of believers in Iran, or a tormented Christian in China, than all the comfortable praise elicited for 60 minutes every week in American Churches.

The "blood of the martyrs" has always been the essence, the nourishment of Faith and Evangelism - sustaining a God-Ordained movement that transcends cultures and countries. Rich and distracted American Christians might be wise to consider how their spiritual pittance weighs against a greater Glory that might weigh upon their future.

Radical Islam may be the Cross that separates "the sheep from the goats" and distinguishes the Holy Vestiges from the Lukewarm Enclaves of traditionalist sopophiles. We may pray that this cup passes, but that may not be the plan.

"Embracing the Cross" may become for the American Church a more defining and unpleasant exercise than the ritual mumblings of a spoiled and forgetful flock.


Anonymous said...

Yep you've totally lost it. Was it the election that pushed you over the edge?


Rantings like this is why Jesus nuts (including GWB) scare the hell out the rest of us and should never be elected to anything.

As an expert on the spirit realm maybe you could get your own TV show and do some channelling for us.

Malott said...


Thanks for the kind words.
I hope you will forgive me my beliefs - it all must sound so silly to you.

In a nutshell - While I don't know what our future holds, I do believe it is part of God's plan, and I don't believe we in America have some sort of spiritual insurance policy that will protect us.

And no, I think Christians will always be involved in politics - especially now that the two Parties are so dynamically different in what they value.

Stop by any time.

janice said...

Anonymous - rantings like yours scare the hell out of us (Jesus nuts). But the beauty of this nation allows you to speak your empty thoughts without threat of arrest, beatings or imprisonment.

Maybe YOU should get a TV show and spew your anti-Christian, anti-Israel, Anti-American views to the populus. Oh that's right, ABC, CBS, NBC already do that.

Thanks for stopping by and enlightening us with your wisdom.....

SkyePuppy said...

Great post, Chris!

Keep preaching it (I can't quote Seinfeld, so I'm safe from any meddling on that point).

I started reading Mark Steyn's new book, and it's more sobering by far than what you've said here. I'm still in chapter 1, and I sure hope he has something more encouraging to say by the end of the book. When I get farther into it (or finish it), I'll probably be posting a review or something about it.

Janice, you in particular should read the book.

janice said...

Skye, I just bought "America Alone" (not autographed though) along with the new Vince Flynn book "Act of Treason", (which I'll finish this weekend and then start on Steyns book) "Why I left Jihad" by Walid Shoebat, "Why They Hate" and Spencer's new book, "The Truth About Mohammad." So I have a lot on my night-stand right now.

That said, before I was side tracked by anonymous this morning, I too found Chris' post inline with what all the above commentators are yelling about. The American people must wake up to the, sometimes, silent threat happening right here. A congressman will be sworn in using a koran in January. Doesn't this bother anyone?
Folks like Rosie "O" and Ted Turner need to shut up, period. There're a lot of uninformed citizens who derive their political opinions from the comments made by these liberal moon-bats.

When are the American people going to take the islamo-fascist at their word? They're not joking around when they say they're going spread islam worldwide, by the sword if need be.

Anonymous said...

Seinfeld is way funnier than the Bible.

But then again, getting kicked in the crotch is funnier than the Bible.

SkyePuppy said...


I dunno. Getting kicked in the crotch isn't all that big a deal for me...

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Janice posted a great comment over at Skye's blog. She opined we all have to take a stand to preserve our American values and culture. Janice wrote;

"From resisting the demands to change school calendars to allowing witnesses to be sworn in using a koran, the war will be won if we all take a stand"

I think that says it all.