Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Please Don't Miss...

Glen Beck's special on Radical Islam - CNN Headline News

I believe I heard it will be on tonight, November 15th at 7, 9, and 11PM Eastern.

It sounds as if this is something you need to watch and then talk about. I think I will be taping it.


Anonymous said...

FYI - the last showing is 12 midnight (eastern).

Malott said...

Thanks Josh.

I just watched the 7PM airing.

I hope a great many people in this country saw this program.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome. I wasn't able to watch. I was speaking at a youth service tonight. Blessings.

janice said...

CAIR sent out an "action alert" on Beck yesterday for his interview with Keith Ellison.

Beck asked Ellison "Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.' "Beck added: "I'm not accusing you of being an enemy, but that's the way I feel, and I think a lot of Americans will feel that way."

I wish I'd watched to see the look on Ellison's face.

Anonymous said...

Islam is pure unremitting sadistic satanic hatred:

In the present multi-culti environment, the ritual torture to death of captive warriors of other tribes, in honor of the victorious tribal god, is a feature of uncivilised savages which it is politically correct not to mention, especially as Native Americans such as the Iroquois delighted in these abominations.

Mercifully for the captives, death would normally occur within two or three days of continual torture, due to heart failure, dehydration, blood loss or infection.

But consider the fate of a warrior captured by a savage tribe with the same Satanic ritual urge to torture in the name of their ‘god’, but with modern medical support to prolong the life of the victim almost indefinitely.

Such was the fate of William Francis Buckley, a US army officer who was ritually tortured by Muslims in the name of Allah continuously and unremittingly for 444 days before death finally claimed him.

William Buckley must have endured more suffering than any other human being in history, for despite agonising 24/7 torture for more than a year, the best doctors in Iran were on call to give life support to prevent his escape through death.

Buckley was captured in Beirut By Hisbollah on March 16, 1984. and was smuggled to Tehran via Damascus aboard an Iranian plane and taken to the cellars of the Iranian Foreign ministry, where he was tortured without respite or mercy until he died of a sudden heart attack despite best attempts at resuscitation. This abomination was carried out with the full support of the demonocratic Iranian government and the vile Islamic pedophile-worshipping ‘clergy’.

Buckley’s remains were then sent back to Beirut and dumped in an unsuccessful attempt to hide Iranian involvement. However during his torture numerous videos of the kaffir’s suffering and ‘humiliation’ (very important to the Muslim male) had been made and these eventually found their way into Mosques worldwide, where they were (and probably still are) used as propaganda to inspire youthful Jihadists.

Buckley’s appalling fate illustrates the Satanic nature of Islamic tribalism. He wasn’t tortured to extract information. Like the prisoners of the Iroquois, he was tortured to appease a sadistic ‘god’ - Allah, aka Satan.

Malott said...

Thanks anonymous.

Your comment troubled my sleep last night. I appreciate the reminder of how this fine man suffered at the hands of the world's, and decency's, enemy.