Sunday, August 17, 2008

Warren Makes Obama Legitimate

Rick Warren, the preacher who wrote "A Purpose Driven Life," sat down with Barack Obama, and later John McCain, Saturday night. The interviews were broadcast live on the Fox News Channel.

I could discuss the questions asked and the answers given, but the evening really boiled down to one result.

A man is running for president who would not support any limitations on abortion, including the abortion of full term babies by partial birth abortion... Which makes him a monster. He has promised to be the best friend the Gay Lobby has ever had... Which makes him a sodo-monger. (Yes, I just made that word up.)

You'll remember that the Prophet Elijah dealt with a group of men who promoted child sacrifice and sexual immorality. But Elijah didn't embrace them, sit down with them, and treat them like his best friend... He didn't ask them softball questions. He called for fire from heaven... And because of the way God feels about those sins... God obliged.

But Rick Warren is no Elijah. Warren sent his viewers to bed with the impression that Barack Obama is a soft spoken, thoughtful man... And though he might not agree with them on important issues... Rick seemed to like him... So he can't be evil... And maybe we need a change...

Thanks Rick.


SkyePuppy said...

I don't think Rick Warren has the power to legitimize Obama beyond the level of Messiahship the media has conferred on him.

Besides (I didn't see either candidate's discussion with Warren), Obama's campaign is complaining that McCain cheated, which means that McCain wiped Obama's butt and threw him out with the trash. Not a bad result for this event.

Tsofah said...

Well, who died and made Rick Warren an expert????

In an interview with him, he appeared to dismiss the importance of abortion and gay rights as being something evangelicals find important. He wants to bring a new face to Evangelicals. Hmmm.

I hope he plans to leave Jesus in there somewhere?

Christina said...

I didn't see the interviews but my opinion of Rick Warren (which was never high to begin with) has lessened even more.

I suspect your analysis of the legitimacy that Warren conferred on Obama is exactly right, which is why this forum was so dangerous and frankly, un-Biblical. God did not deal kindly with those who flagrantly broke His commands and neither should we as His children. Yes, it's up to God to be the final judge, but we do not have to, nor should we ever lend credence to those who are obviously breaking God's laws and advocating that we endorse the same behaviors.

Very well written, Chris.

Malott said...


I hope you're right. Peter Heck has the same view, but I fear it may be overly optimistic.


I agree. Warren seems to be playing to the middle of things... Something we are not called to do.


Warren at least brought up the subject of abortion and gay marriage, but I fear that Warren's "civility" in the face of Obama's blatant disregard for Biblical values - may only serve to make Obama more legitimate in the eyes of many Christians.