Saturday, August 16, 2008

Obama to America--Learn Spanish

This is the attack ad discussed in my previous post.


Anonymous said...

So Obama wants everyone to learn a foreign language, but which one should it be.

The British learn French, the Australians study, Japanese and Americans prefer Spanish.

And this leaves Mandarin Chinese out of the equation.

I notice also that nine British MP's have nominated Esperanto for the Nobel Peace Prize 2008.

This can be seen at

Tsofah said...

This is America. We speak English. American English, which is even different than English spoken in Great Britian in some ways. The U.S. is an English Speaking country.

If I go to France, I do not expect to read a cafe menu in English. If I go to Italy, I do not expect to hear Italians conversing in English. Duh.

I DO expect to try to learn some phrases if/when I visit another country. If I were going to live in another country, I would expect to LEARN that country's language. They do not have to prove to me that they know my native language.

Obama just is NOT knowledgeable enough to know what he is talking about.

Or...he's smart enough to make people think he's knowledgeable.

Or...well, he can always ask Michelle since she is the person he said he'd go to for advice regarding warfare, etc.