Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How Do White Women Feel About White Men Dating African Americans?

When I was a young man, many many many years ago, interracial dating was frowned upon. The white girls involved - generally, though certainly not always - were perceived as a little flaky, craving attention, or needing to stick it to their parents. I confess that I would have had trouble dating a girl who had been in a relationship with a black man because in my mind it would have called into question her judgement and emotional maturity.

But people work together... And fall in love. People join organizations together... And fall in love. People go to church together... And fall in love. Still, even today a decision that involves an interracial marriage would surely involve sobering questions.

But there is no inertia like that of the heart.

I worked with, was pursued by, and subsequently dated a young girl from the Philippines who had oodles of character... Who loved God... Loved America... And loved me for a while. She ended up dumping me, which I believe speaks volumes about her superior judgement. :) But my family loved her. My mother coveted her.

If she had been a native of Zimbabwe with the same personality and character, I believe my family's enthusiasm might have been more guarded... For about five seconds. But if she had been African American... I believe there may have been concern.

It would be a cultural, not a racial matter in my family.

So how do white women feel about the subject? I found these quotes by black women:

"Many white women have just as much of a problem with white men having black women on their arms as some black women do when they see black men with white women. The only difference is that white women are a little less vocal about it. I know because I have dated several white men, and the evil stares and snide remarks from white women that I have received, out-number those even from black men."

"I keep hearing other black women complain about not being able to find a good working, responsible black man yet I hear other people like yourself saying that their are plenty of them, but black women are really only looking for the black bad boys. Do you actually think black women want the bad boys and not the secure men?"

Times have changed. Or have they?

Today, I believe an interracial couple invites a scrutiny that may not be fair. But I believe the acceptance and approval of the couple is generally contingent only upon their character, attitude, and behavior.

Anyway, for some reason I find the subject fascinating.


Bekah said...

I remember in high school speech class, we had a guy who was dating a bi-racial girl, and he gave his persuasive speech about interracial dating. That led to a conversation with my dad that I still hold as one of the most surprising talks I've ever had with him. I think because of their generation, I just assumed they were very against that, and I think in some ways they are. But I asked Dad what he thought about it and he said exactly what you mentioned in your post - that a lot of it boils down to culture, not skin color. And ever since that talk, I've not worried one bit about anything other than trying to look for someone whose values and pursuits match mine regardless of skin color, hair color, or anything else.

Still - I remember being really surprised that he was as open to it as he was. That dad - always catching me off guard!

But I'm with you - very fascinating topic.

janice said...

I find the subject intriguing as well Chris. But the cultural racism isn't limited to black and white folks.

When I married Nick, I was exposed to this "clan" mentality. His sister married a 100% Italian, so did his brother (the first time). His second wife was Irish, and believe me, when she didn't show up for family gatherings they talked about her and her crazy Irish family.

They knew I was half Jewish and half Russian. Yet there would be less than flattering comments made about the new Russian family who moved in or the cheap "Jew" who came into the store.

Needless to say, they weren't happy I wasn't Italian. And ever so slightly let me know it.

Malott said...


There are a few men that I respect as much as I respect your dad... But I'd be hard pressed to think of one I respect more. He just seems like a guy who always does what he thinks is the right thing to do... So his answer doesn't really surprise me.


Geez... I didn't know you were a Hebe.


1) I imagine Nick's family loves Nick.

2) You two have a good marriage - so you make Nick happy.

3) And since you make Nick happy, I imagine his family likes you.

Too bad they aren't more sensitive and polite when you're around... But old habits are hard to break.

And... The fact that they display their shortcomings in front of you might mean they accept you!

Half Jewish. Your passion for the war on terror makes more sense now!

SkyePuppy said...

White men with black women isn't that big a deal. White men are known (among women, anyway) to have an interest in "exotic" women. I don't know why, but the cutest is when it's a pasty-white redhead with the black woman.

The stickier issue is the black man with the white woman, because it raises all those concerns you mentioned, Chris, and then some. It's pretty common around here, though, especially among Marines. A friend of my daughter is black, and she's dating a white Marine from Kansas City whose dad is a racist, so there could be issues if they get married. An interracial couple needs to be prepared to deal with hostility, whether it's outright or more subtle, like what Janice got from her Italian in-laws.

janice said...

Yes Chris, his parents/family treat me very well. I (like to) believe they feel comfortable enough around me that these stereotypical comments wouldn't bother me. They aren't the most tactful people I've come across.

They were very accepting of my son too. My in-laws have Christopher's school and graduation pictures right there with the other 8 grandchildren. For Christmas and birthdays Christopher gets the same thing the other grandson's received. One "Sunday dinner" afternoon, the boys were playing upstairs and broke a lamp. The following Sunday all 5 grandsons were punished and not allowed to play upstairs.

Nick's family have always introduced Christopher as "Nickie's son", "our oldest grandson" or "my nephew".

The snide comments and remarks really don't bother me. The love they show Christopher and me is genuine and we've been accepted into "la familia".

janice said...

And yes Chris, I'm a kike.

My mom is Jewish and my dad is Russian/Polish. Her parents came to America from palestine before the birth of the state of Israel. 3 of her 9 sibblings were born in Haifa (I think).

My brother and I were Christened and raised Catholic. My mom became a Baptist when she attended vacation bible school with a neighbor when she was around 10 or so. Her parents weren't very observant Jews, more like High Holiday Jews.

Malott said...


You are one of the most likable bloggers I know... So I'm not surprised Nick's family loves you.

You've heard the term... Completed Jew? It's good to know I'll meet you some time in the future... No matter what.

janice said...

Thank you Chris, your compliments mean a great deal to me.

And yes, I'm familiar with the term. And we will see each other in the Kingdom, if not before then.

Unknown said...

Nice blog. I came across an online blog for individual seeking interr acial love recently. It is ++++((((---Blackwhitemeet. C O M))))++++ All blog ownners there are
seeking interracial relationships. Interracial is not a problem there, but a great merit to cherish!