Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Manufactured Boost

I've been watching the Democrat Convention, and I've heard some pretty good speeches. Bill and Hillary Clinton both did a great job, and though there has been some conservative pundit nitpicking, their speeches will do much to unite their Party... If anyone was listening.

But that's the thing. Is anyone watching this?

The majority of potential Democrat voters don't "do" politics... Or they wouldn't be potential Democrat voters. So I figure they're watching something else.

But Obama will get a bump in the polls. It will be manufactured by a news and entertainment industry that is overwhelmingly Democrat... It will be subtle and effective.


SkyePuppy said...

According to the pollsters quoted on Dennis Prager and Hugh Hewitt's shows, Obama should already be seeing a bounce in his numbers. Instead of rising after his VP announcement and then some more with the convention, Obama's numbers have been dropping. Poor thing. Poor, poor thing...

Tsofah said...

It would help if the camera's didn't focus more on Michelle Obama than on Biden, or Hillary, or Bill.

She needs to get her own pantsuit.

Anonymous said...

Will anyone watch? How about more viewers than the Olympics opening ceremonies?

38.4 million Americans tuned in on the final night of the convention. Hopefully most of them will be interested in the impact our next president will have on our economy, our foreign relations and our moral standing in the world.

Your blog indicates that you're a single-issue voter, and anyone who believes that abortion is not a matter to be decided by the government cannot say another thing to dissuade you from voting for an anti-abortion candidate.

I'm not optimistic that you'd reconsider, but it might warrant some prayer and reflection on the following question. What actual results have the Republican party achieved in setting back abortion rights in the last 30 years?

Consider the emptiness of their promises on that issue, and add to it the thousands of Iraqi and American lives that have been taken by an unnecessary war they have no intention of ending. Then consider the torture that is performed in our names on prisoners (by most independent estimates at least 70% of whom are innocent) who are held in defiance of our constitution.

Meanwhile, their domestic agenda has been downright hostile to the "least of these." Union busting, workplace safety issues, deregulation in the banking and energy industries, and a taxation policy that rewards only the wealthiest have contributed to a significant loss in real income for middle class americans, and a dramatic increase in the number of citizens who are living below the poverty line.

On every issue outside of abortion, the Republican party should be absolutely abhorrent to any person of faith.