Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Gerald Rudolph Ford R.I.P.

I actually saw the "Whip Inflation Now" speech in which President Ford encouraged us to wear "WIN" buttons. And I think the WIN button pretty much sums up the Ford Presidency.

This button sums up the brilliant and sophisticated Ford campaign of 1976.

If Ford had beaten Carter - I like to think the Iran Hostage Crisis wouldn't have happened - or it would have been handled better... But I'm not sure. I don't think there was that much difference between Gerry and Jimmy. During our country's post-Vietnam illness (a lingering malady among Democrats today) it would have taken a "Reagan" to march into Tehran and explain a few things. But that train has left the station, and here we are today.


SkyePuppy said...

Is that your very own button?

The 10-speed bike I got for Christmas in high school had "WIN" embossed on the head of the bolt that held the handlebars on the bike. I guess my parents must have whipped inflation when they bought my bike.

Malott said...

...Only if they purchased the bike during the Ford Administration.

Malott said...

Oh, and that's not my button. I was looking for a picture of a WIN button and found this one on EBAY.