Wednesday, August 16, 2006

We Still Worship Baal

Tomorrow morning at 4:10 AM, I will have finished reading the Book of 2nd Chronicles and I will be glad to be done with it. It's basically an abbreviated rehashing of 2nd Kings and has made me quite weary. But I can't tell my 85 year-old father that he inspired me to read the entire Old Testament - if I don't read the entire Old Testament. (I'm only half done...goodness!)

Some people skip the OT thinking that it has nothing to say to them, but there is so much there that mirrors today's world and today's America.

Obviously the Israelites are still fighting with the local heathens.

In this country there is a great deal of Baal worship going on, just as there was in Israel in the time following Solomon. I have an altar in my den, my computer room, and my bedroom. Just early this morning when I was having trouble sleeping I saw some temple prostitutes advertising a video they wanted to send me. Such pretty little things. Such pretty, cheapened, degraded, and lost little things.

God found a king of Judah named Manasseh quite detestable because he erected altars to Baal and sacrificed his own son. How many American babies were sacrificed to Baal last year?

We were created to be worshipers. We can't help ourselves. And the more we take God from schools - our government - our daily lives... the more we replace Him with this usurping substitute. I think Baal became much more deadly when we stopped calling him by name. He has been with us since the Garden and is always there to defile that place in our hearts reserved for God.


Jacob said...

Good. More people reading the Old Testament.

Malott said...


I'll certainly agree that it makes you appreciate the "New Testament."

janice said...

When I hear people say the koran is "Gods perfect word", I think you obviously have never opened the Bible.
Unlike the koran, the OT & NT, like Chris posted, mirror not only today and America but complete each other. The Bible is not contradictory and those that say muslims and Christians/Jews worship the same God are simply mistaken.

Either the Bible is right or the koran is right. They can both be wrong, but only 1 can be right.

Back to the thread at hand, I tip my hat to you Chris. You've found time to can tomatoes, make up new words, tend to a beautiful garden and read the Good Book. Bravo!

Malott said...

Thanks Janice.

A life without scripture reading lacks balance.

janice said...

You are so right Chris,

I have the Bible on CD and now I often listen at work. 5 years ago I found it most comforting when I was recovering from back surgery. The pain made it almost impossible to read or concentrate. I was immobile for 10 weeks and unable to enjoy the fellowship of my church. Max McLean has a voice that can really bring the Word alive. It's truly edifying.