Sunday, August 13, 2006

Terrorism and the American Voter

Most polls suggest that the Republicans may be in trouble this fall. But why? A rundown of the facts suggest that their leadership has protected Americans from terrorist attacks since 9/11. They have laid down a preemptive policy that has changed the face of the Middle East. The Arab world is still violent and dangerous, but we are fully engaged with our relentless enemy, increasing our influence - and more importantly, increasing our ability to gather intelligence about threats here and abroad.

The Democrats have an equally impressive record. Their ceaseless attack on the Bush Administration's Iraq policy has given hope to Islamo-fascists in Iraq, Syria, and Iran, encouraging bombers, kidnappers, and murderers to hold on until after the fall elections and the presidential contest of 2008.
The leaking and politicizing of the NSA wiretaps has tipped off foreign and domestic terror cells to our once covert surveillance methods, and Barbara Boxer actually sought legal advice as to whether the wiretaps were an impeachable offense.
On the Senate floor, Russ Feingold denounced sneak and peek warrants, the delayed-notice warrants which adopt the "radical notion" that the government should not notify terrorists that they are being investigated, a common sense practice invaluable in preventing "flight" and the destruction of evidence.
The Democrats have consistently endeavored to undermine our ability to fight terrorism time and again - and not quietly or behind closed doors. Last December Harry Reid, the leader of the Democrats in the Senate, bragged about it at a political rally saying, "We killed the Patriot Act!"
Part of the Patriot Act, American wireless surveillance, played a key role in stopping the recent terrorist plot to down more than ten airliners over the Atlantic.

So why are the Republicans in trouble?

This is the way I see it:

1) George Bush tends to do the right thing, but lacks the skills, the will, or the energy to sell the war to the American people. The Republicans in Congress have distanced themselves from the President and the war effort, a political move that undercuts both the administration and their own image as congressional leaders.

2) The Republicans disappointed and demoralized their political base when they failed to acquiesce to our wishes to close the porous border to our south - and went so far as to propose legislation that would make the problem worse. The utter frustration this has caused among Republican voters was vastly underestimated by the GOP, and will no doubt effect voter turnout.

3) The rising cost of fuel and natural gas prices have not been politically offset by increased drilling, leaving the consumer with little hope of relief. While it's true that it's the Democrats who are blocking such measures, the feckless Republicans have been unable to market this point.

4) As I've said before, a large portion of the American people are hedonistically lobotomized and believe that their birthright is the unencumbered search for the next pleasure, regardless of ongoing events throughout the rest of the world. With these individuals anything that involves sacrifice and a long term commitment - is a tough sell. Besides, these vacuous souls who have the emotional maturity of Paris Hilton, are unlikely to follow current events - other than those offered by Comedy Central's lying little Leftist-loon, Jon Stewart, described in this sentence with all respect due.

5) And finally, with the help of the liberal media, the Democrats' fait accompli in the areas of unwavering negativity, unsubstantiated allegations, and unchallenged and ignored acts of veiled treason - is truly remarkable. And instead of screaming "treason," the insecure, cordial timidity of the Republicans and their personal search for identity, popularity, and love from the media has won the day - facilitating this outrageous behavior on the part of their political adversaries.

The informed voters already know who they are going to vote for this fall, so the election lies in the hands of the Great Unwashed. I believe what the war-weary, simple-minded American voter really wants - is to elect some people that will make the Islamo-fascists either go away or start liking us. (Simple!) Unfortunately for us all, electing Democrat majorities that further emasculate our president and encourage our enemy is not the answer.


janice said...

Sad but true, I believe you're facts are spot on Chris. Great and sobering post.

SkyePuppy said...

You nailed it, especially this in #5:

"And instead of screaming "treason," the insecure, cordial timidity of the Republicans and their personal search for identity, popularity, and love from the media has won the day - facilitating this outrageous behavior on the part of their political adversaries.

There's too much weakness and playing to the hostile press in the GOP. Maybe if New Media gets big enough, the weak-willed GOP politicians will stop toadying to the liberal MSM.

Malott said...

Thanks guys.

And Skyepuppy, I heard the word toadying in the Monty Python movie "The Meaning of Life" but could never find it in the dictionary... thinking they were saying something like toading.

You are a rare woman of words and letters. It's such a pleasure to know you and Janice. I'm genuinely thankful.