Monday, August 21, 2006

Killing Them Softly

I was doing a little business today, and while talking to the owner of the store, the conversation drifted to politics. She said, "I'm really sick of the way things are going over in the Middle East."

I thought, "Oh boy, here we go," expecting to hear how we are failing in Iraq.

Instead she said, "I can't believe we're tying Israel's hands. I think we should just go in, nuke 'em, and start over."

Now you don't expect to hear this kind of bloodthirstiness from a Hoosier grandmother, but she was calm and looked me straight in the eye when she said it, which lead me to believe that it wasn't the first time she had expressed this opinion. I was more politically correct when I said,
"I rather hate the idea of killing women and children..."

She answered, "That's why we need to do it, because they kill children."

This women was straight out of the 1940's. She had no time for nuance. She reasoned in black and white - good and evil. To her, our enemy is easily understood as evil because they kill children. She sees no way to reason with people like that. How do you handle an evil that would go into a Russian school and kill children? How do you handle a society that produces and celebrates a suicide bomber who boards a crowded bus and kills children? This woman would strike with everything she had so that in the future no despot anywhere would dare to harm a little one.

But children die in Russia and we just shake our heads. Israeli children die and it doesn't really surprise us anymore. But what happens when terrorists shoot children at Lincoln Middle School? When a suicide bomber enters Washington Grade School, and little 7-year-old Nicole who sang for church last Sunday has to be identified by dental records... What will we be willing to do then?

We face an enemy of millions. They treat their women and children like chattel. They treat those outside their religious circle as infidels who must convert or die. They reside inside countries and cultures surrounded by like-minded people who support them (or perhaps fear them). They will hate us no matter what we do and will seek to kill us as long as they live. Sadly, some of them are twelve years old and their homicidal path is set in stone.

For a number of reasons we are functioning as a country in denial. One third of us favor adopting the French response - backing up and appeasing until our freedom is gone. One third of us back a floundering politically correct war, hoping to kill our enemy and keep the world liking us. And a third of us are paying no attention whatsoever.

There is a grandmother I know who is ready to take care of business once and for all.

Right now we are being played for the fools we are - A paper tiger - A superpower that is more concerned with its image and "fighting fair" than securing its safety from two bit theocricies and tinhorn dictators. What a pathetic sight.

I don't want us to use nukes. But why does modern morality insist on a fair fight?


SkyePuppy said...

How about we start with a mini-nuke down at the UN building. Heck, I'd even be gracious and send the Israeli-style get-out warning flyers first.

Better yet, let's get those conspiracy nuts to find the government employees who planted the controlled-demolition explosives in the Twin Towers for 9/11. We can have them show us how it's done over at the UN.

Once we've shut up the UN, so they can't sabotage the democracies anymore, then we can go after the terrorists.

We can put that Hoosier grandmother in charge of the war effort.

Great post.

Malott said...


I think silencing the UN first is a great idea. It's amazing how much evil can be facilitated by an organization founded to do good.

janice said...

I must say Chris, this is a most outstanding post!

President Bush made the choice to join Israel in fighting evil. We've watched Israeli children die, maybe an ex-pat was among the mangled bodies in the cafe or on the bus, and the news makes it to the evening edition.

The existence of good and evil, thinking in black and white is an archaic value. We don't want to hurt their "feelings," we rationalize away the evil.

The fact that God has been slipping from our collective minds, forcing us to see everything in shades of gray. Christianity and Judaism teach the "golden rule" where islam does not. Islam teaches deeds not "faith" is the way to paradise. A deed that allows murder and is rewarded in paradise is evil. Let's see it for what it is and call a spade a spade, who cares if the shovel gets offended.

Christina said...

Well, you can now add a mother to that kill-them-before-they-kill-us list, because I agree wholeheartedly with that grandmother.

I hate the idea that any children are dying because of the acts of terrorists bent on destroying any faith that is not their own. It makes me sick to think that the most vulnerable among us are being used as unwitting victims in a war, but until someone stands up and says enough is enough, it will continue.

I however, am ready to say enough and to finish this war sooner rather than later. I don't want to wait until someone tries to force Emily to live under Sharia law. That is wholly unacceptable to me, but it's where we are headed if those with common sense among us don't start making a scene. This war has to end and we must win.

Malott said...

I think it's interesting how liberal and media criticism has often made us conservatives express ourselves like politically correct moderates - oh so afraid to sound harsh or even principled.

But as this war drags on and we see who wants to take the reigns in this country, there seems to be more and more plain talk... honest talk... and many of us are ready to take a harsher line, not because we're cruel, but because that is all this enemy will understand.

Bryan Alexander said...

Great Post Chris,

This should be published in a nationally circulated newspaper.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many children you killed when you bombed Iraq. I wonder how many more you will kill when you finish this once for all. Maybe these children are the wrong color. Wrong religion.

Anonymous said...

The islamic team wins that one hafsah, if you count the muslims they murder in their effort to murder the infidels like me!
All you have to do is look around the world where these evil cult members have the populus terrorized. Indonesia, Darfur and Iraq. Everyday they murder their own.

Yes I believe we need to kill them before they grow up and are taught to murder Americans and Israelis!

Malott said...


Thanks for stopping by.

In the entire history of mankind no country has had more killing power than the United States. But because of our concern for protecting innocent life, we have shown an amazing amount of restraint in dealing with the radicals of Islam.

Because of our concern for innocent life, we have lost young men and women of our own.

Radical Islam knows this and uses it against us.

The point of my post was that the American people are growing tired of fighting with one hand tied behind our backs. Many believe we should unleash everything we have and end the threat.

ChuckL said...

Isn't it intriguing how every jihad sympathizer wants to point out how many "children America has blown up..." in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Vietnam, in ad nauseum.

I do not go as far as suggesting pre-emptive nuke strikes (at this point). I am also personally careful about talking pre-emptive any kind of strike (however, it is hard to understand about what is pre-emptive about conducting military ops after we have been attacked). Nevertheless, when war happens, people die in the crossfire. If that is the concern, then perhaps the jihadists should be willing to disarm themselves.

I agree with those before me... great post.

SkyePuppy said...

Great point, Chuck!

I don't hear those critics ever comparing the number of children killed by our bombs to the number of children killed by Saddam and his two charming sons.