Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Prissy Evan and His Gas

BP began shutting down the nation’s largest oil field yesterday after an inspection detected heavy corrosion and a small leak in a critical pipeline in its Prudhoe Bay operation in Alaska. The emergency drove already-high world crude oil prices to just under $77 a barrel.

Last week the prissy junior Senator from Indiana, Evan Bayh, sashayed into the Senate Chambers and voted against extending drilling for oil and natural gas in the Gulf of Meh-hee-ko. (Evan and his family have plenty of money and so he can afford higher gas prices. And, he is seeking the presidency and needs the wacko environmentalist vote)

But one must ask, "When Evan was donning his panties this morning, did the news from BP trouble him? As he ate his breakfast soufle and sipped his coffee with his pinkie pointed high in the air, did he consider that his vote might "tick off" us ordinary peasants?"

No. Evan has made a career out of speaking from both sides of his mouth, and the average Hoosier voter, though conservative, is not adequately sophisticated in his thinking to see through this pretty little man and notice that he in no way represents our interests.

So this evening when Evan slips into his silk jammies and listens to Liza Minneli singing showtunes... he will smile... confident in his ability to pull the wool over the eyes of simpletons.


Anonymous said...

I just want you to know that I find this very offensive.

My husband may be a little light in the boxers, but he certainly does not wear panties.

Malott said...


Words cannot adequately express my surprise in learning that you read my blog.

I wasn't referring to Evan's panties in a literal sense. I meant Evan's panties to be a metaphor for his inability to be a man and tell the truth.

As for your revelation concerning the other issue, you have my sympathy.

SkyePuppy said...


The simpletons need no longer have the wool pulled over their eyes. Logic Lifeline has a post on the (hopefully not too) future anti-stupid pills!