Monday, August 28, 2006

Fall Elections

Michael Barone writes in Real Clear Politics:
There seems to have been a change in the political winds. They've been blowing pretty strongly against George W. Bush and the Republicans this spring and early this summer. Now, their velocity looks to be tapering off or perhaps shifting direction.

When asked what would affect the future, the British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan famously said: "Events, dear boy. Events." The event this month that I think has done most to shape opinion was the arrest in London on Aug. 9 of 23 Muslims suspected of plotting to blow up American airliners over the Atlantic.

When push comes to shove the American voter will remember Harry Reed bragging that the Democrats had killed the Patriot Act. They'll remember all the Democrat posturing over the evils of the NSA wiretaps. They will easily discern who is concerned about protecting us and who is concerned about the civil liberties of terrorists. They'll remember who supported our troops and who supported the prisoners at Guantanimo.

Well, they'll remember all that - if - the Republicans choose to lead and hold the Democrats' feet to the fire.

1 comment:

Tsofah said...

Good thoughts!

I believe right now our country is focused on the tragedy of Katrina and Rita, as well as keeping an eye on the new hurricane.

If only we had a leader, regardless of party, who understood the importance of really fighting a war. Not diplomacy, not fear of casualties on the other side. Our men and women are dying to defend us at this point. They must be allowed to defend themselves as well.

As a staunch "Republicrat" (smile), I look at the person, not the party. I know some Republicans that seem to embrace the Democratic platform, and vice versa. All in all, may G-d guide us!