Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Connecticut Dems Surrender

HARTFORD AP- Radical Islam scored a huge victory yesterday in its war on Western Civilization by defeating Joseph Lieberman in his primary bid for the U.S. Senate. Senator Lieberman, the former vice presidential candidate for the Democrats, was often a lone voice among liberals that called for resisting the theocratic juggernaut threatening the Middle East and much of Europe, Africa, and Asia. Reaffirming the United State's "paper tiger" image, Connecticut Democrats voted for retreat on Tuesday, a move that will no doubt influence both Democrats and Republicans, and encourage Muslim terrorists in the Middle East and around the world to continue to threaten, kidnap, behead, and bomb straight into the U.S. elections in November.

The Islamo-fascists' winning strategy showed promise soon after the fall of Baghdad, and with each be-heading and bombing, we in the news media stood at their side broadcasting the defeatest message upon which the terrorists' ultimate victory depends. And with its allies in the anti-war movement and the Democrat Party, Radical Islam hopes to further erode American confidence and resolve by causing a premature pull-out from Iraq, propelling their movement forward and insuring little resistance as they move towards domination and intimidation of much of the world.


Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to question your integrity as a blogger. There is no way that this is an actual AP story.

However your story about my husband wearing panties turned out to be true. We were playing tennis yesterday and I looked under his skirt, and son of a gun.

Malott said...

Susan, Susan, Susan...

I'm beginning to question the fact that you're Evan's wife. I've seen and heard Susan Bayh on TV and know for a fact that she is much too urbane and sophisticated to go looking under her husband's tennis skirt... and then tell about it.

And I confess that I wrote the AP story... and I did it with no compunction whatsoever. Today's media is agenda driven and can't be depended upon for honest reporting... which lends my satire a kind of credibility to my twisted way of thinking.

But thanks for stopping by. And give my best to the Senator.