Monday, November 10, 2008

Morslims and Musrons

Tsofah has an interesting - and infuriating - post about the history of the Jewish Temples and the claims of certain Palestinian Officials... Though "official" is a gracious description of these persons.

I left a comment and toyed with combining the words moron and Muslim... Neither Morslims nor Musrons sounded quite right... So I used the word idiotic instead.

Maybe Palestidiots...



SkyePuppy said...

They're not idiots. They're bald-faced liars. I wish there were a better, harsher word for "liar" because I'd use it.


janice said...

CAIR was ringing this bell a few years ago when I posted a story about this. CAIR and the PA authority made a claim that the Western Wall was where mohammad tied his horse while he assended to heaven w/ Gabriel, not the wall of some mythical Jewish temple (their words, not mine).

I just read Leap of Faith by Jill Halaby aka Queen Noor, it's a great look at how muslims twist history in Jerusalem and Israel.

I want to know where the American voices are defending history? Why aren't they setting the record straight?