Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Question: Why does this man have more influence in Washington than a clear majority of Americans?

This morning I sent an email to my federal and state representatives. (Well, I didn't bother with Evan Bayh because... why bother?)

I respectfully told the federal guys that I wanted a wall on our southern border or I was going to vote for their opponents.

I told my state reps that I wanted Indiana State Law to be decidedly Illegal-Unfriendly. And that I wanted laws with stiff fines for employers that hire illegals. I said do it, or I'm voting for your opponent.

I also told my state senator to get rid of the "en espanol" option on his web site.

I continue to lose respect for the Republican leadership in Washington, from the President on down. State legislatures may turn out to be the last outpost of common sense on the immigration issue. In this country where the will of the people pales beside the whims of the Washington elites, we may still be able to effect our destiny by pressuring the politicians closer to home.

Since it doesn't matter who we vote for, maybe if we throw out a few of these clowns they will start listening to us... instead of listening to criminals and the Mexican government.

...and read this excellent post from Christina that expresses better than I can how frustrating Washington's response has been:

State Senator Jeff Drozda emailed me within the hour and said:

I agree. We will see legislation next year that will address the issue.
As for the "en espanol" on my home page, that is standard for all Senators and I have no control on that.

Thanks Senator... come through for us and you'll have my vote.


SkyePuppy said...

Are there a lot of people with the last name of Drozda in the Midwest?

I worked with a Bill Drozda in Yellowstone (and went on half a date with him) when I was 19, before he headed off to make more money fighting the wildfires in Idaho. At the time his dad was one of the US Senators from Ohio. Not sure if he's related to Jeff (I looked up Jeff's picture on his State Senator website, and he doesn't look at all like how I remember Bill looking--Bill was blondish and more beefy).Just curious.

Regardless, it looks like Sen. Jeff Drozda is an upright kind of politician.

Christina said...

Excellent post, Chris. (And thanks for the link!)

I'm amazed that more people aren't up-in-arms over the fact that President Bush seems more concerned with placating Fox than his constiuents. It's infuriating.

I'm glad you took the appropriate actions and let your representatives know exactly how you felt. It's about all we can do, and maybe if enough people do it, it will finally make a difference.

I'm really amazed you got a response so quickly. Sounds like Drozda is a good guy.