Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Gardening Tip #2

Raised Beds

This is what I would call a slightly raised bed, and is useful when your garden sits low on your property or drains poorly. (click on picture to enlarge) It is accomplished using a garden rake by dragging the dirt toward you creating a little gulley. Then you stand in the gulley and drag dirt toward you from the side where you originally stood. Then you turn the garden rake over and smooth it out. These tomato plants would not have survived the recent heavy rains had they not been planted this way.

In late June I will plant carrots in a narrow, high raised bed that resembles a coffin lid.


SkyePuppy said...

I see you've banished your tomato plants to their own individual cells at Gitmo. I hope they're getting culturally sensitive meals and being allowed some exercise every day. Just don't let any left-wing lawyers see the way you're treating them...

Malott said...

I love to laugh unexpectedly.

I think my tomato plants have been on a hunger strike during these cold weeks.

Having fun in Texas? Yippee Ty Yi Yippy Ty Yeah...?