Sunday, May 07, 2006

Mullahs Make Lousy Scoutmasters

Quran 52:24 Round about them will serve, (devoted) to them, young male servants (handsome) as Pearls well-guarded.
Also in
Surah 76:19 Allah promises fresh youths to Muslim men.
And round about them shall go youths never altering in age; when you see them you will think them to be scattered pearls.

When Catholic priests molest children there is a law, there is a justice that holds them accountable. The Mullahs ARE the law, justice and the government. So they can do their shameful acts in public and who is going to stop them?

If you like little boys... really like little boys, then Islam may be for you. It makes you wonder what these humorless, sadistic men are really fighting to preserve; is it their religion, or is it the right to mess with kids? Do they seek to serve God, or are they serving themselves when they abuse women and treat them as chattel? Is the murder and maiming an expression of faith, or is it simply an excuse to exercise their pathological hatred?

On her site, Michelle Malkin quotes Robert Spencer:

Anyone who thinks that God's greatness is established by such acts of barbaric cruelty must be resisted at all costs. Yet those who hold to the same ideology, and who think that God Himself will grant Paradise to those who "kill and are killed" for Him (Qur'an 9:111), are streaming into Western countries, by the design and forethought of Western leaders, with no attempt whatsoever made to determine whether or not they approve of such slaughters and the ideology that motivates them.
This is insane.

Insanity may well be defined as recognizing evil, feeling its sting, and then inviting it to move in next door. And as evil crosses our open borders and colonizes our country, our feckless leaders in Washington play politics; selling-out our culture, and mortgaging our security in the pursuit of votes.


SkyePuppy said...

I read some of this on Michelle Malkin, and read other Islam-related news, and it was so discouraging, so draining that I couldn't even write about it (hence the 1962 Fruitcake).

I remember C.S. Lewis saying he could never write a followup to the Screwtape Letters, because he couldn't endure putting his mind back into pure evil again. Sometimes that's how it feels when I see how these Islamists are permeating our culture.

Great post, Chris (even though I can't stand to look at the picture).

janice said...

Great post Chris,
I sometimes feel like my head will explode when I dig to deep into this evil that is islam.
(Thank goodness for the park)
But I also believe, we as Christians, have a duty to bring this to the surface and let others know what muslims are trying to hide from the world. We can't bury our heads in the sand because it's "ugly".
This is evil and the only thing needed for evil to continue is for good men to do nothing!

Anonymous said...

The truth will set you free.

Expose evil and taqiyya to the light of day and it will wither.

Falsity and denial keeps evil hidden from the purifying sunlight of truth, and from exposure to the fresh air of debate.

If you do not expose the true nature of Islam in its early stages, but make PC excuses for leaving it alone or concealing it, then like some dank structure-rotting fungus it will invade the house of civilisation and bring it crumbling down into ruin.

janice said...

Well said RoP.
I'm doing my part, I've exposed many to this evil and lost many books along the way. Now I blog, it's easier to give out a web address than books.