Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Left's Continuing Influence in the World.

The Russian Revolution occurred 89 years ago, and though its seed and legacy have left a trail of human misery, the Left has still somehow successfully transmuted the word "Communism" into the realm of the vulgar and boorish cliche; just a word with no more significance or threat than bogeyman. But the spirit of Marxism continues to live and breathe in the Left to this day, and continues to threaten the world's peace and prosperity.

Marxist theory sounds noble enough to the naive, but it always comes down to a few unaccomplished thugs stealing the possessions of people who have actually built something. Power is concentrated in the hands of one, or a small group of men... detractors are intimidated with violence... wealth (while it lasts) is redistributed to the poor... the Church is discredited or physically attacked... and a paranoid nationalism is preached to the masses.

I read an article by Lowell Ponte (linked below) that chronicles the governing style of Venezuela's leftist dictator, Hugo Chaves. Chavez, who according to his former personal pilot refers to himself in private as a communist, has followed the Marxist's road to power.

Embracing Castro, and propping up Cuba's failed economy with Venezuelan oil money, Chavez has imported up to 20,000 of Castro's secret police to quell any move that threatens or even questions his authority. He is currently stealing the property of European and American oil companies (after these companies have invested billions). He has thrown out Christian missionaries and replaced them with Cuban "teachers," and has called the religious leadership in his country "a tumor." He openly calls the United States Government a threat to Venezuelan sovereignty and allies himself with our enemies in Cuba... and Iran.

And what is the reaction of the Left in this country and around the world? The usual suspects who hate America... Danny Glover, Harry Belafonte, Jesse Jackson , and others... make their way to Venezuela for a photoshoot with the Leftist dictator. Cindy Sheehan, the poster-girl for the Left, has been there. The anti-capitalist "Global Exchange" of San Francisco now arranges tours of Venezuela for the fashionable leftists in America. Chaves recently toured Europe where he lectured Europeans on the virtues of socialism which, of course, caused him to be embraced by Europe's lunatic Left and their leftist publications.

But, as in Cuba and every other country that has "tried on" Communism, this Socialist "Utopia," in Venezuela is turning out to be a disappointing disaster. The poverty rate has risen to more than 50% as oil money flows into Cuba, and Chaves spends the Venezuelans' inheritance to buy friends and purchase weaponry. Caracas has the world's highest murder rate per capita, with Chavista mobs and spies patrolling its streets. Venezuela finds itself isolated from its neighbors as they withdraw, fearing Chavez's territorial ambitions.

But still the sycophants and fawners of the Left drool over this thug in the white suit, ignoring his atrocities.

While the Left has all but destroyed Europe and done much to bankrupt America and dilute its freedoms, this country still enjoys a clear majority of freedom junkies and capitalists. Still, we are also burdened with a left-leaning Federal Government that exhibits an insatiable appetite for power. And, as its immigration policies throw open wide the border to more and more of the world's poor and uneducated, our population shifts towards a mind-set and character that is vulnerable to the liberal lie and the promise of the "free meal" ...and "utopia." While we are safe for now from the raving socialist and the Marxist revolutionary, the leftist bureaucrat and the liberal politician, who misrepresents himself and his politics, already have a secure foothold in our system. If it comes, ours will be a slow descent, with the Left greasing the skids of our economic and cultural demise.

For those who love their freedoms and the opportunities that capitalism affords them and their posterity, the watchword continues to be vigilance. The failure of Socialism throughout the world and the rise of Conservatism in the United States has unhinged the radical Left, leaving them embittered and with suspect allegiances. With the support of the ever-cooperative mainstream media and cultural elites, the Left is free to subvert, to sabotage... to proselytize and misinform with relative impunity. They are a plotting, pandering pandemic... a poison that slowly and silently accumulates in our nation's soul. They are the untrustworthy caretaker, ready to surrender the keys to the estate. They seduce our young and scoff at patriotism. They seek to change who we are... as they challenge what is best is us.

We simply can no longer take for granted that our way of life will perennially survive. The American Experiment... our little revolution, continues to require our attention and an active participation to secure its survival.

As rocky and frustrating as our way has been lately, this is no time to lift our hands from the plow.

You'll find Lowell Ponte's article here:


SkyePuppy said...

Excellent post, Chris.

I "read" (books on tape) David Horowitz's autobiography, "Radical Son," and the point that really impressed me was the way the Left put on blinders that kept them from seeing the consequences of communism.

Each new communist leader/socialist dictator was met with praise and hope, and the previous one was dismissed for his lack of communist purity. So communism/socialism was never to blame for post-1975 Vietnam or the Khmer Rouge or Stalin. The deaths, in the hundreds of thousands to millions, were regrettable to the Left but they weren't the Left's fault. And with Mao or Castro (or Chavez), the deaths seem to be overlooked in favor of seeing the "free" medical care and (re)education and the trains running on time.

They never learn.

Malott said...

Of all the things they could romanticize and turn a blind heart towards...
I must confess that I don't understand their thinking. But that doesn't mean I won't have an opinion. Stay tuned.
Oh, and thank you for taking the time to read this rather long post... and for your encouragement.

Anonymous said...

...plotting, pandering pandemic.

Pretty powerful prose.

Malott said...


I have a patently peculiar penchant for alliteration.

Christina said...


You write that the "watchword continues to be vigilance." While I wholeheartedly agree with that assessment, I might also add that accurate education is probably every bit as important to this issue.

Our schools are constantly being "dumbed-down" and I personally believe this is no coincidence, particularly in the area of history. When the facts are not taught and when truth is denied, our young people are given a false sense of reality. They are done a tremendous disservice because they don't have the basic knowledge necessary to make wise decisions based on the lessons learned from history. And since history repeats itself, the only way we can avoid making mistakes of the past is to teach our children an accurate accounting of the past, not the politically correct one.

Malott said...


We definitely need more teachers like Mr Heck.

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