Thursday, April 24, 2008

Climate Change Pair

From the Centers for Disease Control:

1.Syrup of ipecac (one teaspoonful per ten pounds body weight)
2. Hydrogen peroxide 3% (one to three teaspoonfuls every ten minutes; repeat three times)
3. One half to one teaspoonful of salt, placed at the back of the tongue.
4. This video.

The very moment I stop vomiting, I plan to write about my dwindling respect for Newt Gingrich.


WomanHonorThyself said...

whats up with Newt on this one?..he's usually right on target!

Tsofah said...

Man! That was so "sweet" it could leave a diabetic in a coma!


SkyePuppy said...

That is the most foul, gag-worthy video I've seen in a long time.

I'd thank you for showing it, but I can't bring myself to do it. Now, where's my ipecac..?