Tuesday, April 15, 2008

From One Bitter, Benighted, Gun-Toting, Bible-Thumping, Xenophobic, Typical White Person to Another...

"It's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." Barack Obama

But what do you really think about us Barack?

This elitist thinks we're idiots... All because we won't become mesmerized by his pretty words and get behind his candidacy.

The fact is, Obama doesn't see America the way we see her... Doesn't love her in the same way we do. He can't look past her mistakes, her shortcomings, and embrace her past. He wants to change what has made her great for over 200 years. We think that would be a mistake.

So Barack, go ahead and look down your nose at us. We're strong, self-reliant, and independent. We don't need your approval.

And... We know who is really bitter.


janice said...

B. Hussein Obama wants all of us to "cling" to the government for comfort.

Yes, he's a bitter man...

Malott said...


That would be his ticket to power, and the key to his place in history.

Tsofah said...

You know, later primaries and shorter campaigning "season" would have really benefitted this guy. Then people wouldn't know what he REALLY thinks. I wonder how many who voted for him in the primaries would like to change their votes now...sigh.

Yet another good reason the Super Delegates should feel free to vote their conscience separately from the primary results. This was the intent of having super delegates in the first place...if a candidate's true colors (no pun at all intended) showed him/her to be a: 1) British spy in disguise in the early days of our country; 2) a Communist (during "cold war" days; 3) Jihadist (today's world); or 4) any combination of the above or any other scenario dangerous to any one population or all in the U.S.

All in all, the more he talks, the more votes he is throwing to Hillary and John.

Malott said...

Well said, Tsofah.

In this case, maybe it's a good thing that the process is drawn out.

SkyePuppy said...

Isn't it a surprise that Indiana is turning into a key primary state (for the Dems, anyway)? Way back in January or February, you sure didn't expect that would happen...

Congratulations on sort-of being able to make a difference.

Malott said...


It's a thrill.

However, I'd have to register as a Democrat in order to make that difference...

Indiana Dems are the worst. A large percentage of them are conservatives and are too loyal to their team (or too stupid) to vote for like-minded candidates.

We have men in our Churches who are pro-life, anti-gay-marriage, pro-defense, pro-second amendment, and anti-illegals... And they vote straight Democrat. You just want to smile, pat them on the head, and eviscerate them.

SkyePuppy said...

We have a nice older couple at our church, and they're the same way. They keep voting for FDR's party, even though he's been dead for a couple years now.