Friday, April 04, 2008

Behind the News

In his seven years, Randy Castro has been an aspiring soccer player, an accomplished Lego architect and a Royal Ranger at his Pentecostal church. He also, according to his elementary school record, sexually harassed a first-grade classmate.

During recess at his Woodbridge school one day in November, when he was 6, he said, he smacked the classmate's bottom. The girl told the teacher. The teacher took Randy to the principal, who told him such behavior was inappropriate. School officials wrote an incident report calling it "Sexual Touching Against Student, Offensive," which will remain on his student record permanently.

Then, as Randy sat in the principal's office, they called the police.

Slapping a female's buttocks... Is that wrong? I mean... I know you're not supposed to do it and leave your hand there... I hardly ever do that... But...

This really cuts down on my avenues of communication here at work!

As for this first grader, I'm just glad nobody overreacted.


Tsofah said...

Sheesh! Whatever happened to being scolded, calling the parents, and let the parent's take care of it???

How long before we are a fully socialized under the police state type country?

These schools need to get a life!

Oh comments do not represent the views of Malott, Malott's Blog, the readers of Malott's Blog, those who comment in the comment section of Malott's Blog, or anyone else. However, my comments ARE worthwhile, and my own. And I'm proud of it! :-P

SkyePuppy said...

What? They would have preferred that he slap the girl in the face? If he had, at least he wouldn't have a sexual offence on his record.

Tsofah's right. They need to get a life.

Great post.