Wednesday, February 27, 2008

William F. Buckley Jr. 1925-2008


He was - The Man...

He never dropped the "Jr" out of respect for his father.

It is such a sad day for Conservatives. I have 28 of his books in Hardcover... Some I collected through a "search" vendor.

He was a master of the English language... I finally used a spiral notebook to write down the words that I didn't know... And afterwards I looked them up in my dictionary.

When "Conservative" was a "Bad name" he resurrected and recast its meaning.

He suffered from emphysema... He described his wife Patricia as an inveterate smoker... I wonder if he was a victim of second-hand smoke.

His novels... Like "Saving the Queen" were like finding gold. His collections of essays and editorials were a conservative's view and interpretation of American history.

I didn't know he was sick. I just feel bad... And terribly sad.

He was found in his Study... I'm sure he was writing... Furthering our cause.

I plan to "camp out" and get a copy of the next edition of his creation, his beloved "National Review"... I want to read the things they will say of him.

In my living room there hangs a picture of him underneath Ronald Reagan's official White House photograph.

He was a good Catholic.

God keep him.


Jacob said...

Your writing style.

Annoys me.

Probably more than it should.

Your eulogy.

Though probably well meaning.

Came off sounding pretentious.

The bit about his wife being an inveterate smoker.

Was lame.

I don't know why I keep coming back to this shitty blog.

Malott said...


I'm not sure why you visit, but I'm glad you do... Especially when you call me pretentious.

At work I try to be friendly and "folksie"... Not "too" smart, if you know what I mean. Rural Hoosiers are more comfortable with that... Especially ignorant people who have a college degree.

On my blog I allow myself the luxury of being my unbridled self... And if myself is pretentious, pseudo-intellectual, or whatever... I'll leave that to my small audience to determine... and comment on if they feel like it.

But Jacob, if it makes you feel better...
Y'all come back!

Tsofah said...

Hey Chris?

I like ya! Your writing is just to the point.

My condolences on the passing of a great political thinker and writer: William F. Buckley Jr.

Mojo_Risin said...

Does anyone know where I can get a copy of his debate with Noam Chomsky from Firing Line?

That was back when public debate didn't have to turn into a war of rhetoric, and I expect it must have been good viewing.

paw said...


Did you find this guy?

I think he has the full segment. Been too busy to take it all in, but it's on deck for me.

paw said...

I've missed the presence of W.F Buckley for years. I was a huge fan in the 80's, when I was a poli sci student and on board with Reagan and with HWB. Buckley had a lot to do with my early political beliefs.

In retrospect, I respect that Buckley kept his outrage and his outrageous comments in reserve, relying on argument, for the most part; but that when it was time, he wasn't afraid to get tough or put himself out there. We're all passionate about politics, after all. I'm weary of most current conservative commentator's perpetual ad hominem, the rush to drum up outrage first and foremost, the continuous whisper campaign, the scatter-gun of trumped-up scandal trying to find the crap that might be made to stick. Buckley could be brutal to his opponents, but that was not his stock in trade.

Thinking about W.F. Buckley I also think about how fully the conservative movement has embraced anti-intellectualism ("Not "too" smart") and what a shame that is for our society.

These two things are hand in glove, really. Buckley, I miss your substance.

Mojo_Risin said...

Thanks for the info. I'm going to check it out soon.