Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wasting My Money

LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP)—Four-legged athletes are joining their two-legged counterparts as part of a congressional probe into steroids in sports. Although most of the focus to date has been on baseball and other team sports, thoroughbred racing also is trying to enact a national ban on steroids, at least for the days leading up to races.

For the sake of national security - we must get these horses off steroids.

The Democrats' Nanny-State Politics is getting on my nerves. Where in the constitution does it give the federal government the right to regulate muscle mass and the acquisition thereof?


janice said...


Is this what we pay these people to do? We got a war to win!

Tsofah said...

I think the government needs to leave baseball and other steroid scandals alone and let the sporting commissioners deal with it. After all, THEY get paid to deal with sporting issues.

Our congressmen are supposed to be dealing with OUR issues.