Thursday, February 21, 2008

Intelligent Designers of Education

Dr Michael Easley of the Moody Bible Institute told a story this week on his radio program about a friend of his who left college with degrees in both biomedical engineering and medicine... And a 4.0 GPA in both. This man told Dr Easley that in the med school, most were evolutionary, Darwinian, origin of the species thinkers... But in biomedical engineering many were believers in Christ, and almost all were intelligent design proponents.

Why? I think it's because the med school guys looked at the "whole" human organism through a lens of preconception, and the biomedical engineers looked at the "nuts and bolts" and marvelled at the complexity and precision.

But wait a second. I thought the intelligent design promoters were all preachers and slack-jawed yokels with sloped foreheads, DNA peculiarities, and pig feces between their toes. You mean there are educated men with an opinion contrary to the Darwinists'?

In education, as in every other endeavor, those with the numbers and who shout the loudest will have their way. I think we know enough about the nature of man and his self-centered, narcissistic bent towards humanism, to conclude that ours will not be the celebrated persuasion on this side of the proverbial Jordan. Men will look to men - not to their Creator.

I'll argue it... I'll pray about it... But I'm resigned to the eventual outcome and will waste no time worrying about it.


SkyePuppy said...

I think the pig feces are between the intelligent-design proponents' hooves. We're all de-humanized, but I can't decide if we're the devil to the evolutionists or just a bunch of mindless barnyard animals.

BTW. I sent you an email Wednesday. Did it arrive?

Malott said...

Unless you're HotGirl24... No, I did not.

SkyePuppy said...

Oh, I'm hot, but that's not me.

Darn! I even replied to your email because I thought that would work.

OK. I'll resend it from my other email that I'm going to cancel when my house sells. Someday...

Anonymous said...

HotGirl24 was me. You didn't delete it did you?

Jacob said...

I suppose there isn't anything REALLY dumb about believing in a God who just got bored one day and decided to create the universe. That in itself is okay, if a little dim, if you ask the inevitable question 'what created god' which, of course, completely trumps the whole creationist argument.


No, what I find dumb is the Biblical creation myth. The world was made 6000 years ago, Adam and Eve's kids all had incestuous babies with each other, all while dinosaurs roamed around at the same time? That's REALLY dumb.

Mojo_Risin said...

As has been said several times by many evolutionary scientists, believing in evolution doesn't doesn't preclude the belief in God.

It also doesn't preclude the belief in a young Earth -- although that takes a little more faith, I'd think, since there is so much evidence against it.

For example, how long could God have been waiting before deciding to create the heavens and the Earth? Maybe long enough to account for a 15-billion-year-old universe?

And is there any reason why believers can't accept that maybe each "day" in Genesis was actually representative of a much longer period? There are metaphors and similes everywhere else in the Bible -- why not there, too?

If you can accept these things, then the scientific evidence and the Genesis account can be more easily reconciled.

Jacob said...

Yeah, but why would you want to reconcile your religion with logic when it's more fun just to make up crazy shit and convince others that God wants us to believe it?