Thursday, July 19, 2007

Religions That Don't Play Well With Others

Lesson 1: Religions that Condone the Murdering and Raping of Children.

I listened to author Brad Thor on the Glen Beck show today. Thor, who has served as a member of Homeland Security's Analytic Red Cell Program and has appeared on many network and cable news shows as a national security expert, suggested that the next big attack on the U.S. by radical Islam may be against our children... Probably schools... Probably a lot like what took place in the Russian town of Beslan in September of 2004.

Something we didn't hear about Beslan... According to Thor... Evidently many children were raped, murdered, and tossed out of windows.

The media in the United States have been oddly fastidious in failing to report one aspect of last week’s horror in Beslan: that several Russian girls were raped by Muslim terrorists in front of their parents and classmates.
...Free Republic

Now you see, no one has to explain to me why this is a terribly evil thing... But if your hero is Mohammed and you've been studying the Quran all your life:

In dealing with one Jewish clan in Medina, Mohammed -
... offered the men conversion as an alternative to death. Upon their unsurprising refusal, some 900—exact numbers are unknown—were decapitated, one by one, in a ditch surrounding their encampment, in front of their women and children. The women, thus widowed or orphaned, were raped that same night.

Contrary to his own regulations he had at least 15 wives (some sources claim up to 25). The youngest was Aisha, who was seven years old when Muhammad—44 years her senior—"married" her. Two years later, 53-year-old Muhammad consummated this liaison and raped the girl of nine left under his control.

Thor suggested that American school children old enough to be raped - obviously nine and up - would be targeted. ...Girls old enough to rape, and boys too young to fight back.

With Middle Eastern men paying Mexican smugglers to sneak them across porous borders into the United States... And the "cells" already here heartened by our defeat (see Harry Reid) in Iraq...

In Beslan 334 civilians were killed, including 186 children, with hundreds more were wounded.

And how do you prepare for such a thing?


Tsofah said...

You don't prepare for it. Instead, you prevent it, if you have half a brain and won't let the price of gasoline hold you hostage. Twenty years ago Palestina "Tina" Isa was victim of a mercy killing in her home. Her mother held her down while her father stabbed her to death. The only reason the parents were caught is that the FBI had bugged the place. Why? Because Ziad was running weapons for terrorists. I knew Tina. She lived in St. Louis, MO. After reading your article about Dallas, it looks like it is still happening.

All this from a religion Pres. Bush says is "peaceful". Until you have lived under it, you have no idea what it's really like. Peaceful, it ain't.

Jacob said...

Uh huh, any evidence? At all?

janice said...

I had heard about the rape of those children (boys and girls).

As far as the koran (and hadith) and the forced conversions, it's littered with examples. Also, many folks don't understand the later "revelations" cancel the older ones if they are found to be contradictory.

This war is ever evolving. The enemy fights without rules or a uniform. He hides in plain sight with civilians and believe they are commanded by allah to murder all non-muslims.

Great post Chris!

Mojo_Risin said...

They don't need evidence. Their opinions are sufficient unto themselves.

SkyePuppy said...

Jacob & Mojo,

What evidence are you looking for? He already linked to an article. How about this one on Beslan? Good enough? Or do you only accept as evidence what you want to accept and blame the other side for not backing up their statements to your taste?

Mojo_Risin said...

I once had a neighbor -- the sweetest and most gracious character you could ever hope to meet. Every Christmas, he and his wife would come over with cake or a pie and sit and chit-chat with my mom and dad. In the spring he would play catch with me over our backyard fence. Great guy.

He was a Muslim.

And I remember coming home one day from school and my mom looked shocked and grieved on the phone. My neighbor had just been killed. And not just killed, but nailed to a makeshift cross in his basement while his wife had been tied up and who-knows-what done to her while her husband bled his life away.

The two men who had killed him and destroyed his wife were fundamentalist Christians from the church a few blocks away. They had felt they were doing God's work by making an example of my neighbor in the most graphic possible way -- or so they said during their trial. I believe they got 15 and 10 years.

So there you have it -- Christians are the avatars of peace and Muslims are the emissaries of chaos.

SkyePuppy said...


I'm an evangelical Christian, probably not entirely fundamentalist, depending on how that's defined. I've worked with Muslims for much of my career, and never once harbored any thought of killing Muslims for God. Or for any other reason.

When the murder of your neighbor and the brutalization of his wife happened, did the rest of the Christian community agree that the murder was an appropriate use of God's Name? Was there tacit silence that screamed approval? Or was there an outcry on the part of Chritian leadership harshly condemning the murder?

The Christian message is SAVING unbelievers from Hell, not SENDING them there. I cannot say strongly enough how utterly WRONG the murder was, no matter what those hateful, vile, UNCHRISTIAN murderers said. The New Testament has nothing in it about killing and raping unbelievers. It's about taking the Good News of Jesus to Jews and Gentiles alike.

Now, I know that's not your point. Your point is that anyone can take an isolated incident and use it as a broad brush against any religion. And that's what you think the Christians are doing to the Muslims.

But I wonder, do you think there are 10% of Christians who believe killing unbelievers is a good thing? Or 5%? Or 1%?

And what percent of Muslims believe killing unbelievers (especially Jews) is good? Certainly not all (not the ones I know), but enough that your point doesn't hold water.

janice said...

Well said Skye.

If I could add one just one thing more to your point. Can mojo name a nation (iran) that openly advocates the murdering of an entire nation (Israel) to bring about the "end of days" because that's what he (and millions more) has been taught to believe?

Again, not all muslims believe this, however, the voices of those who support this thinking is louder than those who condemn it.

Can you not agree?

Mojo_Risin said...

You're kind of forgetting that you've already agreed with Malott that his post was right-on -- that it's the Muslim religion itself that's the problem, even though he presents "evidence" that's from the Dark Ages. "Great post," says Janice. Now you're saying that it's not the religion, it's some of the people in it. You need to pick a side and stick to it.

And Puppy, you calling the murderers "UNCHRISTIAN" is a cop-out. Just because these guys did something vile suddenly makes them non-Christians? By that logic, the Muslim terrorists cease to be Muslims when they commit violent acts. With as much crime as we in the U.S. have, it's surprising that probably 90% of the people in it would profess to be Christian. But no, that must be impossible, because Christians don't commit vile acts.

I agree the message of Christ is saving unbelievers. But the policies of the Christian usually involve something along the lines of "convert 'em if you can, but if they persist in their own beliefs, we're not going to complain if they're destroyed."

And yes, I would say at least 10% of Christians would advocate the killing of unbelievers. I base this belief on going through the aftermath of 9/11 and hearing what so many Christians had to say about Muslims ("Nuke 'em. They're a bunch of savages", and the like); having read the comments on this blog, especially the Ann Coulter conversation; having once been a fundamentalist Christian for several years, and hearing what they say in private away from the pulpit; and hearing what my Christian friends and family tell me in private, yes, I absolutely believe it.

Malott said...

Dang, Mojo!

Where did this happen? It sounds like something the Klan would do. I just can't imagine believers from a mainstream Christian Church doing something that is so contrary to the teachings of Christ.

I stand by my posts. I believe we should allow legal immigration of any person of any religion that wants to come here and assimilate. But we didn't invite Japanese or Germans to come here during WWII... And since we are at war with "factions" from the Middle East and the Muslim religion, it seems irresponsible, myopic, and a little bit suicidal to turn a blind eye to the immigration of people who hate us.

Look at Europe.

Look at CAIR in this country. Listen to the rhetoric. Isn't it naive to think that we can live together in peace? Do you favor a culture within our culture that lives under sharia law? It's coming, Mojo. To me it's the obvious progression if we are to live with people who do not accept our laws and our culture.

If the Muslims want to be a part of Americana... I'm not hearing it.

And I'm sorry about your friend.

Tsofah said...

Thanks, Malott, you echoed my feelings very well.

To clarify, just as Tina was a friend, I've other friends who are of various religions.

It's not the religion that's the problem: it's those who follow the most extreme form that have resulted in the Talaban, Fatah, Tanzim, AlQuida, Hamas, Hezbullah, PLO, and numerous other terrorist groups. While not all terrorists are Muslim, the vast majority (98 percent) are.

For those who are running munitions, planning threats, and other such devious attacks - when they are caught even before doing such, they should be immediately deported. Period. I don't care what their nationality and what their religion.

Even if an American citizen of anglo-saxon ancestry were to do such, they should also be deported. Terrorism IS terrorism.

Oh, btw, I'd like to see a link regarding your friend to see if there is a commonality with those who have done similar things here.

And I truly am sorry about your friend. G-d would never condone such an action by anyone.

janice said...

mojo, I do stand by my statement. I believe islam is evil they way I see it practiced.

I don't however, believe they should be murdered because I think their religion is false and viewed as evil when practiced according to those claiming to be true muslims, who by the way, are murdering more muslims than they are Americans in this war.