Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Going the Way of the Fetus

One of the most amazing accomplishments of The Left has been the transforming of - perhaps the most sympathetic creatures on the planet - into an inconsequential afterthought... A lump of tissue undeserving of humane consideration... A tiny trespasser or intruder that should have known better than to parasitically attach itself to an unsuspecting heroine who is busy accomplishing something important with her life.

The Nazis and their propaganda machine did the same thing with the Jews, but most Jews aren't cuddly and almost never coo. The left and its propaganda juggernaut discredited and dehumanized the unborn with amazing speed and deftness.

For now, being a fundamentalist Christian involves a relatively risk-free existence in this country - no one is physically targeting us or threatening to suction out our brains. Some people hate us... Some much more than most of us know... And many attempt to discredit and defame us. Still, the evil done to us is mostly restricted to punch lines and misrepresentations.

But with Rosie O'Donnell saying, "Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam..." And Barak Hussein Obama saying, "Somehow, somewhere along the way, faith stopped being used to bring us together and started being used to drive us apart. It got hijacked..." (hijacked like the 9/11 jets) The anti-Christian rhetoric is certainly ramping-up, and coming from notable people.

If Christian fortunes of the last 50 years continue and proceed in the same direction - with the same degenerative social and cultural implications... The next 50 years could land American believers in a very unhappy place.

From the first European settlers, to the founding fathers... right up until half-way through the 20th century - Christianity had been all mountain-top-high-fives among reputable and respected souls - as we waltzed along rich, fat, respected... and ignorant of something called religious persecution.

But looking around early in the 21st century we see the fruits of secularization... We see the misrepresentations and ridicule in popular entertainment, the so-called "hate speech" threats over Biblical teachings, and political circles that despise Christians more than terrorists who fly jets into skyscrapers.

When I was a child, the fetus was a baby. The Church was held in esteem - at least publicly - by the media... And Christians were the moral conscience of this nation.

But today, a baby is disposable. And, I fear... The carefree mountain top days for Christians may be nearing an end.


SkyePuppy said...

How right you are. And I think it will come well before 50 years is up.

Tsofah said...

----> Not going quietly and stepping on my soapbox here:

Right now, there is less consideration that Christians have rights and feelings than there is for any other belief, even New Age. It's like we are blamed for calling their free living no rules apply do whatever you want lifestyle what it is: SIN. Duh!

Sin is sin and we call it as that. If you are trying to excuse what you know is wrong in your life (i.e. Rosie ODonnell) by blaming can't run away from your choices and those consequences.

<---I'm getting off my soapbox now and going over there. :-)

Jacob said...

Ha, "The Left."

What is it with fundies and capitalising words that don't need to be?