Monday, September 07, 2009

Obama ‘Disingenuous’

British officials claim Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton were kept informed at all stages of discussions concerning Megrahi’s return.

Well now that can't possibly be. When the Lockerbie terrorist was released, Obama was outraged. Outraged, I tell you!

‘The US was kept fully in touch about everything that was going on with regard to Britain’s discussions with Libya in recent years and about Megrahi,’ said the Whitehall aide.

‘We would never do anything about Lockerbie without discussing it with the US. It is disingenuous of them to act as though Megrahi’s return was out of the blue.

During the campaign, Obama said a great deal about earning back the world's respect and trust. Obviously the respect and trust of our staunchest ally is of little concern.

But then, any country that loves and supports the United States has little in common with Barack Obama. I'm sure it stems from the teachings of that great theologian, Reverend Wright... Love thine enemy... And anyone else who despises America... At least white America, anyway.

I wonder if the mainstream media will display any curiosity over what the President knew, and when he knew it.



janice said...

I believe, BHO is an America hating product of his mother and father.

If it was his intention to harm this nation, what would he do differently?

Malott said...


Glad you're back!

This is what we get when we elect a president that was raised overseas. He doesn't think like us.

And you're right, he is the product of his America-hating left-wing mother and his European-hating Muslim father.

SkyePuppy said...

The mainstream media will show no more curiosity over what Obama knew about this than it has shown over Van Jones. Thankfully, there's an alternate source of curiosity (for now) in talk radio, Fox News, and conservative blogs.

Tsofah said...

I believe Pres. Obama is really uh, er, "ignorant" (as in uninformed) of how much Americans hate being steamrolled over and forced into things.

The media isn't gonna say much - (well, I did hear some of the pundits on the Sunday morning shows say some POLITE criticisms).

Fox news does say things...sometimes a bit overboard once in a rare while.

Obama Administration and the Dems don't like Fox much.