Sunday, September 20, 2009

Democrats Win Republican Straw Poll

WASHINGTON — A straw vote suggests former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is a favorite among religious conservatives to be president in 2012.

This is the same Huckabee that ran for Vice President in the primaries of '08. You remember him... He was the guy kissing John McCain's liberal rear end while attacking his conservative rivals.

Religious people should be more interested in finding out which conservative candidate the moderates and independents prefer. But they're not.

Obviously Christians are saved from sin, not stupidity.

Democrats must be thrilled with the vote.



Tsofah said...

But, I LIKE Huckabee! He would have been better than McCain!

Honestly, I'm pulling for Eric Cantor or Bobby Jindal (hoping for a miracle there).

Malott said...


He is very likable. But I don't respect him because of the way he kissed-up to McCain, and attacked fellow conservatives during the primaries. It was like he was running interference for McCain.

My point is this: I want a conservative that can win against Obama. I want the strongest, most charismatic conservative we can field.

That ain't Huckabee.

Tsofah said...

Let me clarify:

I LIKE Huckabee.

I REALLY LIKE Cantor or Jindal.

(I'd say "love" but some left wing reporter from NBC, CBS, CNN, etc. might try to use it to smear their reputations.)

Bryan Alexander said...

PALIN 2012