Sunday, September 13, 2009

Malott's Medical Tips

I love to give advice. I have no real concern as to whether or not my advice is followed... I just love to give advice.

1) Before choosing a physician, ask nurses and other medical professionals from the nearest hospital who they would recommend. They pretty much know who is competent... and though they won't tell you which doctors shouldn't be allowed to practice medicine, they will likely have, and be willing to offer, strong opinions about who is good. Try and find out which doctors the other doctors and their families go to for treatment.

2) As a rule, choose older physicians. Their vacation homes are already paid for.

3) If you have outpatient work to be done (lab, X-ray, etc.), find a way to have that work done early on a weekday morning. Don't expect the same quality at 6PM that you'd get at 8AM. The best technicians generally don't work evenings, nights, or weekends.

4) Sing, laugh, hug, kiss, hold hands, and have sex as much as you can. It's good for your immune system. Never pass up an opportunity to hold a baby or cuddle a child.

5) Go to the surgeon last.

6) Do not get emotionally involved with your physician. He is running a business, and you are not his relative. And remember, no matter how good he is, he has blind spots and bad days. Bedside manner and likability are the two most overrated aspects of physician care.

7) Don't go to the doctor for every little pain. My grandmother NEVER went to the doctor, NEVER was in the hospital, and lived to be 92. My mother has frequently visited the doctor all her adult life, has been on a multitude of medications, has been in the hospital numerous times... And I believe this is the proximal reason why at 83 she enjoys the same health that her mother enjoyed at 92.

8) If you don't exercise, don't get enough rest, don't keep your weight down... and if you eat junk... Don't expect to feel good. Clean up these areas of your life before you go to your physician for a pill.

9) Go to Church, practice fasting, read the Bible, and pray at least five minutes, out loud, every morning. You will enjoy better health.

10) Don't get critically ill or have accidents on the weekend.

11) Wear loose fitting clothing and comfortable shoes.

12) Forgive... especially family members. Find a way to be content with, and enjoy what you have. Avoid anger. You will grow fewer tumors.

13) Take a multiple vitamin once per day, and take a vitamin C & B complex twelve hours later. (Vitamins A, D, and E are fat soluble - your body stores them... C&B are water soluble, and you pee them away.)

14) Enjoy the sunshine, but stay out of tanning beds.

15) Do not have bariatric surgery.

16) Submit to necessary vaccinations. They stimulate your immune system.

17) If you live in an agricultural area, drink bottled water from somewhere else.

18) Prepare your own food (from unprocessed ingredients) as much as possible. Develop a taste for green things, and eat lots of them. Avoid arsenic, sugar, lead, mercury, and other poisons.

19) Carry hand sanitizer in your car. Use it after you go to the grocery or the mall... And be sure to use it after attending Church. And if you're sick, do the Christian thing and stay home from Church.

20) If you have a stressful job, find something to hit... like a punching bag, a tennis ball, or a liberal acquaintance.



Bekah said...

7) I think your grandmother and I could have been good friends.

10) So true. Also true of dying. We only get four bereavement days at work, so they have to be carefully scheduled.

19) This is the one thing I've gotten strict about this year. No messing around!

20) I have, in my office, "the Jesus stick." I know it doesn't sound very wondeful, but we call it that, because it's a walking stick I got at the fair one year, and it has the little "salvation beads" on the end of it. Anyway, when we get frustrated, we find the Jesus stick and beat it against the floor. So far it hasn't actually been used on another person, but it does help a world of frustrations!!

Grammy said...

My favorite is #11. Thank you for sharing your great wisdom.

SkyePuppy said...

My first though for #11 was a muumuu with sneakers. Not a pretty picture, and I know, because there was this regular customer at the shoe store who dressed that way. Eeeew!

Being broke sure helped me do #7 faithfully. When I start my new job and get health insurance, this will be more of a struggle.

Excellent advice, all of it. Especially that very last part. I'll have to decide which liberal acquaintance needs slugging the next time I'm stressed...

janice said...

Great tips, I'm going to pass them on....

Tsofah said...


How would YOU know about #4? Hmmmm?????


Malott said...


What are you suggesting? Don't you know that I am pure as the wind-driven snow?

I always heard that physical contact with another human being is a very healthy thing. That's why I hug and kiss my Mom.

Tsofah said...


To the first comment/question:

To the rest:

Awwww! You hug your mom? That is really great. I bet you mom just loves it, seriously. We mom's are like that with our children, no matter what their age.
