Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Norma Aspinwall R.I.P.

"Grammy's" mother died this weekend. Her name was Norma and she was very bright and very refined. Grammy and I played tennis (doubles) with her and her late husband George on a few occasions. When Norma could get to the tennis ball, she knew what to do with it.

I liked her!

Grammy, our prayers are with you and your family.



Tsofah said...

Malott, and Grammy:

I'm sorry for your loss...

Hugs and Prayers,

Grammy said...

Thanks so much, Chris for doing a "Norma" post. So ends a generation in our family. The Lord saved her by taking things away from her, including my father. She was a child when she died and she knew that Jesus was her savior. Have a listen to a lovely song about presenting your whole life to Jesus. The last thing I did with her was sing the last verse in her ear.
