Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Dr Howard Hendricks of the Dallas Theological Seminary once told his class to bring a list of people they knew personally, and who they believed were the least likely to accept Christ as their Savior. The class ended up with 69 names. They made a covenant to pray for those people every day for four months. They did nothing else to influence those people.

At the end of those four months, 37 on the list had come to faith... through no other known means but prayer.

Hendricks speaks about prayer between a husband and wife. In the evangelical community, one in two marriages fail. But a study by the Seminary revealed that when the husband and wife got together on a regular basis and shared time in prayer, that percentage went from one in two... To one in 15... Hundred.

We have not, because we ask not.

I don't know how they gathered that data, but I believe it.



Bekah said...

You know, you posted this at the perfect time. I don't even want to admit out loud (though the humiliation might do me some good) how shabby my prayer life has been lately. God has been pressing me about it and I've been...ignoring. This is much needed.

Grammy said...

I sooooooo believe that. Thanks for the encouragement.

Tsofah said...

Oh Malott! I MUST give you a standing ovation for this one! Wait a minute.....

Ok, I'm back! I had to stop typing in order to stand and applaud! Malott, thank you for reminding all of us how important time with Father G-d on a lifetime basis is!

ChuckL said...

Thank you for sharing this encouraging piece.