Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Black Cambridge Cop Will Not Support Obama

So who will she support?

Washington --Hillary Clinton says running for office isn't on her "radar," but she still has an eight-person political team and sports two overflowing campaign war chests.
Her team transformed the former Democratic White House contender's massive campaign debts into a $3 million mountain of political cash, according to federal fund-raising records through the end of June.

"It raises questions about that nascent presidential campaign for 2016 - and she didn't close the door on that, if you read her remarks carefully," said the University of Virginia's Larry Sabato.


Hillary's responsibilities as Secretary of State are somewhat abbreviated, given the fact that Obama has appointed:

Dennis Ross - Iran Czar & Mideast Policy Czar

Richard Holbrooke - Afghanistan Czar

J. Scott Gration - Sudan Czar

And the big one: George Mitchell - Middle East Peace Czar

Hillary and Bill have received little respect from Obama. I figure Hillary feels a little bit forgotten after being in the limelight for 16 years. And Bill can't be pleased being moth-balled in Haiti. Obama's patronizing of the Clintons and their many supporters is all well and good... As long as his presidency is going well.

But if Obama's poll numbers continue to head south, and his socialist ways continue to bring bad reviews, the Clintons are politically talented enough to take advantage and position Hillary for a run in 2012.

If in 2010 the country seems rudderless, the economy is no better, the Dems lose seats in Congress, and the Community Organizer-in-Chief continues to appear inept... Mrs. Clinton will excuse herself from the State Department and the primary wars will begin.

The outcome may be different than the last time:

The Obama Administration has all the makings of of a one term Carter-esque presidency, and the Clintons may one day use their political machine to split the Democrat Party, secure the nomination, and pave the way for a 2012 Republican president.


1 comment:

Tsofah said...


You said:

"The Obama Administration has all the makings of of a one term Carter-esque presidency, and the Clintons may one day use their political machine to split the Democrat Party, secure the nomination, and pave the way for a 2012 Republican president."

Except for what Pres Carter did in making Israel give up the Sinai Peninsula and it's oil wells there; I have one thing to say:

From your lips to G-d's ears!