Friday, July 17, 2009


From Pat Buchanan's prognosis for Obama's Socialist America:

The deficit for 2009 is $1.8 trillion, 13 percent of the whole economy. Obama is pushing a cap-and-trade bill to cut carbon emissions that will impose huge costs on energy production, spike consumer prices and drive production offshore to China, which is opting out of Kyoto II. The Chinese are not fools.

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson called George III a tyrant for having "erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out their substance."
What did George III do with his Stamp Act, Townshend Acts or tea tax to compare with what is being done to this generation of Americans by their own government?

Coming to America to feast on this cornucopia of freebies is the world. One million to 2 million immigrants, legal and illegal, arrive every year. They come with fewer skills and less education than Americans, and consume more tax dollars than they contribute by three to one.

Wise Latina women have more babies north of the border than they do in Mexico and twice as many here as American women.

As almost all immigrants are now Third World people of color, they qualify for ethnic preferences in hiring and promotions and admissions to college over the children of Americans.
All of this would have astounded and appalled the Founding Fathers, who after all, created America – as they declared loud and clear in the Constitution – "for ourselves and our posterity."

China saves, invests and grows at 8 percent. America, awash in debt, has a shrinking economy, a huge trade deficit, a gutted industrial base, an unemployment rate surging toward 10 percent and a money supply that's swollen to double its size in a year. The 20th century may have been the American Century. The 21st shows another pattern.

We have forgotten who we are. Rome is burning, and the citizens are content, for now, with bread and circuses... As they mindlessly fixate upon the popular culture, and rest in the empty promises of Hope and Change. We have carelessly placed our country into the adulterating hands of socialist tyrants. They are propped up by a propaganda machine that intimidates dissent, and a popular culture that glories in its own ignorance. The United States Federal Government and its left-wing media machine have become our governing aristocrats, the enemy of representative democracy, federalism, and our constitutional promise of self-determination.

Coming elections may slow the momentum, but the insidious infection that plagues Washington is deep-rooted, bi-partisan, and terminal.

Maybe if we sink further into poverty and oppression, the sons and daughters of the Founding Fathers, along with their adopted like-minded heirs, will rise up and reclaim their country from Washington. But the dismantling of a powerful centralized government alway involves resistance, and I suspect this saving coup could be neither lawful nor bloodless.


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