Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Results of JFK Jr's Mandatory Post-Mortem Drug Screen

Actually, I don't have those results. Are these public records?

After a fatal plane crash the pilot is always autopsied and there is always a drug test. The three victims of this particular tragedy were processed in about four hours. Was a drug test done on JFK Jr. or his wife Carolyn? Do these rules not apply to Kennedys?

Biographer Edward Klein writes, "We don't know for certain why the burial at sea was so rushed, but we can assume the Kennedys did not want to have any publicity regarding the autopsy reports, for fear that the reports might have revealed some illegal substance in the bloodstreams of John and Carolyn Bessette."

In his book Forever Young: My Friendship With John F Kennedy Jr., William Noonan writes about John's fondness for smoking marijuana.

The public has the right to know if Kennedy died while rolling a fatty.

In his book The Kennedy Curse: Why Tragedy Has Haunted America's First Family for 150 Years, Edward Klein states, "John once returned to their loft to find Carolyn sprawled on the floor disheveled and hollow-eyed, snorting cocaine with a gaggle of gay fashionistas."

Klein also reports a story told him by a staffer at George magazine who had dinner with Carolyn one evening:
"She made at least a half-dozen trips to the bathroom and came back to the table with white rings around her nostrils," the staffer is quoted as saying.

It occurs to me that here was a couple whose remains were begging for a little drug testing. But when your family has power and has been skirting the law for decades, I'm sure information is easily manipulated and manufactured to produce the desired results... And the almost immediate cremation and burial at sea safely insures Kennedy's reputation for all time.

Too soon? Sorry...


Bekah said...

This is very interesting to me - as I was intrigued by that whole marriage/life/and unfortunate end. I remember being stuck in the salon for an hour waiting on my haircut lady, watching them search for the wreckage.

Anyway, didn't know a lot of these details. They weren't in the lifetime movie. I must find better news sources.

Malott said...


The details are seedy, and it may be a little seedy of me to bring them up...
But ever since Ted Kennedy survived Chappaquidick unscathed - something neither you nor I would have been allowed to do - I've been annoyed with the Kennedy family and the way the Press looks the other way when they misbehave.

Anonymous said...

How brave you are, attacking the dead.

SkyePuppy said...


How brave you are attacking the dead-attackers anonymously.