Friday, July 11, 2008

Karachi Abuse

Janice has blogged about the now famous "Karachi Kids" here and here.

If these were Christian kids sent to some sort of wacked-out fundamentalist Christian religious school... The courts would call it child abuse and they would be removed from their home.

But we can't do that to Muslim parents... No matter how radical they are.


Tsofah said...

Child abuse is child abuse. When it is covered by a religion, that should not matter. I don't care what the teachings are...go in and get those kids from their parents if they live in the U.S.! Give them a chance at a life where they are not taught to hate and/or kill.

janice said...

Remember how quick the Texas Rangers went in and took those fundamentalist LDS children when an anonymous phone call about alleged abuse? Why wasn't the Georgia child and family services authorities (or the DHS, FBI & CIA) ready and waiting when that plane landed yesterday to at least interview them?

This is going to be a long road back to normalcy for these two boys.

janice said...

And thanks for the link, Chris.