Monday, July 07, 2008

Medicine is a Crock

...generally speaking. My wild guess is that 75% of all medicine practiced is a waste of money and 25% is detrimental to your health.

Because of TV shows and movies, many of us delude ourselves into thinking that medicine is something other than a business. I feel sorry for people who think that, but once you've drunk the kool-aid...

I know men and women in their 90's who won't eat their favorite foods because they're afraid of cholesterol. I know a couple women in their 90's who have never been in a hospital bed, and whose children are unhealthy and dying because they're sedentary and on 15 different medicines.

While it's true that there are times in life when you may need a doctor... Generally speaking, they're just another bad habit to avoid. Here are a few tips from your Uncle Malott to help you avoid them.

1) If you sit on your butt all the time you're not going to feel good and will likely become depressed. You will age more rapidly. Pills won't help you... They will just get you some attention and put more money into your doctor's pocket and the drug companies' coffers. You need to discipline yourself to spend a half hour, 3 or 4 times per week to walk a couple miles at a fast pace... Whether you feel like it or not.

2) Be a grown-up and give up sugar by the age of 40 or sooner. Don't even go down the candy aisle at the grocery. Believe me, you'll still get plenty of sugar in your diet eating everything from bread to peanut butter.

...And don't look down your nose at the alcoholic or smoker if you're stuffing your face with a more socially accepted poison.

3) If you have health problems... Take only those pills that keep you alive... blood thinners, blood pressure medicine, etc... and pitch the rest.

4) Eat bread once per week. Eat potatoes once per week. Eat chips once per month. Eat less. Get thin. If your metabolism won't allow you to get thin, at least get your heart and lungs in shape by exercising.

5) Have a hard-boiled egg with your morning coffee. Eat a salad for lunch. Eat meat for dinner with lots and lots of green things.

And remember, God made food to sustain us... Not to entertain us. If you're bored - do something... Don't eat something.

6) Drink coke or pop 2 or 3 times per year. Keep a gallon jug of tea in your refrigerator and learn to like it unsweetened. Drink all you want... And then drink some more.

7) If you live in an agricultural area, buy and drink spring water... Especially if you have any cancer in your family history.

8) Stay away from doctors. Aggressive medical care will kill you more often than it will save you - and faster than alcohol and tobacco.

So eat a can of spinach and call me in the morning.

Please feel free to add to my prescription in comments.


Bekah said...

Well amen to most of it, but I do have some questions:

1. Giving up sugar makes me very ugly in spirit. I mean UGLY in spirit. So if I do that, should I also move into seclusion in Nebrasaka to avoid losing friends?

2. Do green M&Ms count for lots and lots of green things? Mint chocolate chip ice cream?

Okay I think that's all I have for now. Maybe after coffee I'll think of more.

And I left a Christmas morning picture for you if you haven't seen it. I hear it's scary.

Malott said...


According to my post, you have ten years to get over your longing for sugar... Yes, and even the green M&Ms.

Maybe you could have ice cream or candy just once per month... that would be fine.

Tsofah said...


I love lots of good stuff like brocolli and carrots and chicken grilled and salads and tuna and salmon and flaxseed in yogurt and well..LOTS of stuff! But I gotta, I mean GOTTA have two things: coffee and chocolate.

Oh yeah, and lots of alone time with hubby. :-) Just watching tv and cuddling is always good.

Forget tomatoes this year unless your plants are able to survive the bugs and weather...OR if you have people nearby who are successful growing them. (I dream!)

Um, Chris? Can you ship tomatoes safely to me? Mine aren't doing too good! :-)

Bekah said...

I started getting over my longing for sugar by baking a yummy batch of chocolate chip cookies tonight. Something tells me you're not going to let me get away with the whole "cocoa bean is a vegetable" routine.

I gotta admit. I'm with Tsofah. Take away my coffee and chocolate and you've taken my will to live. (and after five minutes with me, it'll have taken your will to live as well.)

Tsofah said...

^5 Bekah!!!!

SkyePuppy said...

You know, the darker the chocolate, the less sugar there is, so dark chocolate is quite safe even into old age.