Sunday, July 20, 2008

How I Survive Working In A Hospital Full Of Women


How I Deal Daily With Penis Envy

The life of a hospital laboratory technician is not always the sexy and glamorous experience one would suppose. There is plasma, and pee pee, and poo (oh my!).

And when you are male... There is the inevitable mental cruelty, physical abuse, and sexual harrassment... The ugly side of healthcare. Where I work the women sometimes line the hallways, and as I walk by, make crude remarks, paw at me, or pinch my buttocks. (In next week's installment I'll be posting police photos of my black and blue marks.) Imagine my shame.

You say, "Malott! Why don't you just quit?"

Oh sure, quitting would be the easy way. But I have lives to save, my friend. And come Monday morning, I'll once again will be up to my elbows in body fluids and semi-fluids and maybe even some green stuff with pus on it.

And... Loving it.


janice said...

Oh Chris, I had no idea! Do you think my son the nurse suffers from similar treatment?

Malott said...


I suspect your son is a very brave and long-suffering young man!

Now, when he suddenly breaks down... You'll know why.

Tsofah said...


Have you had your med's adjusted lately? chuckle.