Thursday, January 25, 2007

Walking Away Won't Save American Lives

77 U.S. Senators and 69% of the House of Representatives voted to go to war in Iraq. But many of these brave politicians don't want to play anymore. It's just too hard now. They want to call "no tapbacks" and walk away - as if that's all they have to do to end Radical Islam's war against the United States. But Isolationism isn't an option when your enemies won't cooperate and stay home.

Looking through liberal eyes, our troops seem pinned down and at the mercy of Iraqi insurgents. ( Islamic terrorists) But I find it comforting that our military is located in Radical Islam's backyard - and I wonder if it isn't our enemy that is pinned down and unable to attack or increase its influence.

And what about our influence? With Iran harboring terrorists and working on nuclear weapons - is there a better place for us to be than at their doorstep? Cutting and running from Iraq will only increase Iran's and Hezbollah's influence in the region - and increase the threat of Radical Islam against Israel and the U.S. mainland.

And yet, George Bush is a very lonely man. I think the political climate in Washington illustrates that it is much easier to be a politician than a leader.

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