Saturday, January 20, 2007

Turning 53

It seems like only yesterday that I was bummed-out about turning 50. Birthdays always make me take stock of my life and once again I'm reminded that my life has turned out nothing like I expected. I like being me and I'd trade with no one, but there are some key elements missing in my past and present whose absence I regret. But the bed in which I lie is of my own design and I've been constructing it for many years.

Perhaps the best thing about being a Christian is that while we pay for our mistakes, we pay only in this life.

The course of a life pivots on both split-second decisions and time-worn habits. But my life's destination was determined on a Thursday night back in the fall of 1963, when I walked down an aisle and repeated Peter's good confession to an old preacher named Mr. Grubb. A few minutes later Mr. Grubb's gnarled old hands lowered me into the waters of the Jerome Christian Church baptistry. But I believe another pair of Hands helped lift me up. And through every triumph, every bad decision, every good deed, and every thoughtless act, those Hands have never let go of me.

I'll sing to you Lord, a hymn of love,
For your faithfulness to me.
I'm carried in Everlasting Arms,
You've never let me go, through it all.


Christina said...

Happy Birthday, Chris...and Amen!

By the way, you don't look a day over 35.

Oh and what delightful feline graces the page of your birthday date in your new calendar? I hope it's a good one!

SkyePuppy said...

But the bed in which I lie is of my own design and I've been constructing it for many years.

Ain't that the truth for all of us? But the biggest mistake I made (getting married way too young, way too quickly) I'd do all over again--pain and all--just to be sure I got the exact same kids.

The best part of this life is how God takes all the mistakes and failures (and even the few successes) and shapes them into something useful and pleasing to Him. If we let Him. I'm glad you've let Him.

Have a wonderful birthday!

Bekah said...

Happy birthday! I'll contribute to it being a good celebration by NOT singing. :)

Very good thoughts...something for me to ponder while the elliptical tries to kill me here in a minute.

You're doing good things amid your life construction. I appreciate the words of encouragement here and there.

Hope your day is/was great!

paw said...

Happy b-day, fellow Capricorn. Keep on climbing that hill and keep hanging on for another crazy trip around the sun.

From what I can infer you are making good use of your time and abilities. I'd speculate that you're beating the curve in some respects. That might be one of the blessings of passing through this life less encumbered than most in this time and place.

While I'm typing, that Anus stuff, I just don't know ... (shaking head...)

janice said...

I would never have guessed! Well, have a great birthday, Chris, and God Bless!