Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Casey vs Santorum

In Pennsylvania Democrat Bob Casey is leading incumbent Rick Santorum in the Senate race that will be decided in the fall. Casey is reported to be pro-life, but I could find nothing on his web site that confirms this.

Newsmax calls him pro-life but also reports that Senator Hillary Clinton headlined a fund-raiser for him this week and has contributed $10,000 to his campaign from her PAC.

Consider this:
1) Would a pro-abortion feminist like Hillary Clinton give money to a Democrat who she thought would vote to confirm a Republican-nominated judge who would overturn Roe vs Wade? (Maybe Hillary knows something Newsmax doesn't.)

2) If Casey is a pro-life, family-values guy, why would he choose the Democrat Party?

I keep looking for leaders to rise among the Democrats who will lead their party back to a semblance of honesty, common sense, and the values that have made this country great. But how many times have we been fooled?

My gut tells me that Bob Casey is a Democrat who has crafted a way to steal conservative votes from a Republican, and that if elected, will comport himself with the same duplicity that we in Indiana have witnessed on the part of Evan Bayh.


Anonymous said...

Casey is NOT pro-life.

Casey is anti-abortion and is on the record as wanting to see Roe v Wade overturned.

Casey also supports the Bush administration's decision to go to war in Iraq and opposes Democratic calls for censure, and exit straegy, or exit timetable.

Casey is also opposed to the re-newal of the assult weapons ban and child-safety devices for handguns.

Casey wants to allow pharmacies to refuse to fill birth control scripts, opposes universal health care, opposes a death penalty moritorium, and opposes a minimum wage.

You won't find his anti-abortion stance on his web site because poll after poll confirms that if voters knew he was anti-choice, he would lose enough support to throw the elction to Santorum (there are many "soccer-mom" conservatives who favor choice and who will go with Santorum all things being equal).

The real choice for Democrats is Chuck Pennacchio. He's the only candidate with DC experience (he was an aide to several congressman and Senators), with foregin policy and national security expertise (he's a college professor who teaches these subjects), and he happens to be in line with main street Democrats.

Unfortunately, Chuck Schumer cut deals to clear the field for Casey. But let's get the word out about Chuck.

Malott said...

I'm a little confused about your comment.
I'm going to assume that you meant your first line to read, "Casey is not pro-choice."

And if your facts are correct on your site, then I may be very wrong about Bob Casey... but I still wonder why he is running as a Democrat. He sounds a little like Zell Miller.

Malott said...

Thanks gd,
I believe you're right.

Anonymous said...

I don't know Chris and GD, this Chuck Pennacchio guy sounds like a real winner. Based on what Mr. Ford tells us, we can conclude that Pennacchio likely:

1. Supports the killing of unborn human babies;

2. Opposes the Iraq front in the war on terror;

3. Wants to censure the President for protecting Americans;

4. Wants to remove our troops from Iraq;

5. Wants to force pharmacists to dispense prescriptions to which they are morally opposed;

6. Supports socialized medicine; and

7. Opposes the death penalty.

Now, if that weren't enough to sell him, he has "DC experience" because "he was an aide to several congressman and Senators". Of course, by this standard, Monica Lewinsky would make a great President.

Also, he has "foregin policy and national security expertise" because "he's a college professor who teaches these subjects". Could there be someone more qualified for foreign policy decision-making than someone who stands in front of a classroom all day expounding on the failures of President Bush?

This certainly seems like a candidate that is solidly in line with mainstream America. Let's get the word out!