Thursday, April 06, 2006

A Perfect Fit

I really didn't need another reason not to watch the CBS Evening News... but I'll acknowledge it. This move may boost ratings for a couple of weeks but it is definitely a step down in credibility for a news organization that had already neared the bottom of that particular ladder.

But if they wanted instant ratings why not just choose Britney Spears? Or, they could invite a different Hollywood star to read the news each night. If they could keep it secret, then people might tune in to see which star was anchoring on a particular night. Babs... Martin Sheen... Clooney... and they could throw in Selleck to give the illusion of fairness. Why they didn't ask me...


Christina said...

I predict that Katie will last a few years, tops, and then it will be back to another male anchor with a deep, resonating voice and a perfectly-coifed dark head of hair. After all, most people find that their tolerance for perkiness wanes dramatically throughout the day.


LarryC said...

As a non watcher of Mainstream Media News to Begin with...and in particular CBS's version of objective Reporting...Katie is a PERFECT fit. She is openly liberally biased, and HATES George Bush...stating as much in both public and private comments. She is typical of the current generation of reporters that think their job is to Fabricate news and not just report it...To that end Katie will fit in Well at CBS...We ALL know their penchant for "fabrication" of news...

Malott said...

Well said, Christina and Larry...

Fabrication and Ptooowiieee!


All_I_Can_Stands said...

This move will take down both Katie and CBS News.

It is interesting that Katie took a pay cut to make this move. I think she is probably too miserable a person to continue this "perky" charade. It is worth it to her to have a channel for her loathing and hatred for all things conservative without having to smile the entire time.

I think the interviews will be most fun. On today, she has been able to be more selective about who she interviews. Not in this forum. The interviews will show what an intellectual lightweight she really is.