Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Dem Film Trashes Giuliani

In the Democrat tradition of letting no good man go un-smeared, a film maker in New York has prepared a hit piece against the former mayor of the Big Apple.

Premiering next month, "Giuliani Time" turns a critical lens on the former mayor's controversial tenure in New York before his reassuring leadership in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks elevated his reputation.

Blogger's note: controversial... Democrat patois for "successful" when referring to a Republican.

Giuliani, who served two terms as mayor from 1994 to 2002, is depicted as a Machiavellian hothead who allowed police to trample civil liberties - particularly those of blacks, artists and welfare recipients - in the name of maintaining public order.

Among other things, the film suggests Giuliani was obsessed with ridding the city of "squeegee men" - homeless people who wash drivers' windshields and demand payment - but cared little about reducing poverty or creating jobs.

Giuliani spokeswoman Sunny Mindel defended the former mayor.

"He is recognized as the mayor who led the city from being described as ungovernable to being an international symbol of urban renaissance," Mindel said. "Why? Because of the unprecedented record reductions in taxes, homicides and welfare numbers and the improvement in the quality of life for all New Yorkers."

And here lies the need for the film. He reduced taxes? He reduced welfare numbers? He improved the quality of life in New York? Who is this sick spawn of Satan?

"It'll make people realize he's not a liberal," said Fred Siegel, a Giuliani biographer and professor at Cooper Union. "And they'll ask, `So when is reducing crime, getting rid of squeegee guys and getting people off welfare a bad thing?"'

"The biggest beneficiaries of Giuliani's policies were residents of the poorest neighborhoods," Siegel said. "Under Giuliani, crime in those neighborhoods went down and property values went up. Why isn't that an accomplishment?"

Let me help you Fred. When years of liberal politics turn a city into a hell-hole, and then a tough minded Republican fixes it, then it must be interpreted as a "bad thing." It must be meanness. It must be unfair. It has to be that way, Fred.

This film will be so easy to debunk, that it was probably a waste of your time for me to mention it here. So go on back to whatever you were doing.


Christina said...

The liberals hate Guiliani because he is a likeable Republican who has shown that he can garner moderate Democratic support, get things done even in tough situations and can rally his state (and even the country) when the going gets tough. In other words, he's a successful, likeable Republican, something the liberals, particularly in the media, cannot stand.

Malott said...

He may be the Republican that the Dems fear the most.