Sunday, January 03, 2010

Worlds Tallest Tower Opens

The Burj Dubai (Burj being Arabic for Babel) stretches more than one half mile into the sky. It's height is equivalent to two Empire State Buildings. It's weight, more than 110,000 metric tons, is equivalent to 237 Al Gores.
The Burj has over 1,000 rooms, a swimming pool on the 76th floor, and will feature the most incredible bungee jumping in the history of the sport.
It took a billion dollars to build it, but will take just one crazy Muslim in an airliner to bring in down.


Bekah said...

And I am glad I'm not its window-washer.

Malott said...


Ah! So you don't do windows!

Bekah said...

Actually I DO wash windows (once a year to pacify my mother, who will come wash them herself if I don't). But I draw the line at washing windows above a second floor.

Grammy said...

I have to admit, this monstrosity looks very stury.

Grammy said...

I meant "sturdy". It's gonna take a lot more than one plane to knock this thing down.

SkyePuppy said...

All I can say is that it's good to know that some of my gasoline money was used for building this hotel and not for spreading Muslim extremism and terrorism.

Yay Dubai!