Sunday, January 24, 2010

Chris Matthews V Howard Dean Over Massachusetts Election

Part of this tape makes me shudder...
Matthews suggests that the House should pass the Senate Bill as is... thereby creating a new health program. Then, the Senate uses "reconciliation" needing only 51 votes to "tweak" the existing bill, adding the "public option."

This could happen.


Grammy said...

Great to see them stuck in a nonsense loop. I wonder if they're still going at it?

SkyePuppy said...


I have nothing to say, but if I did, my word verification word is "heatism," a malady I suffer from. It's the knee-jerk reaction against anthropogenic global warming fanatics in general and Al Gore in particular.

I'm glad I stopped by. And didn't say anything...

Malott said...


A n t h r o p o g e n i c...

Looked it up... You are such an educated contributor... Even when you say nothing...