Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Picture Sometimes Says it All

Have you ever wondered why Israel prospers while those around them flounder?

Gaza's greenhouses in Jewish hands.

Gaza's greenhouses in Palestinian hands.

In September of 2005 they descended like locusts on Gush Katif, pillaged and destroyed what took a generation to build. One year later, the desert that bloomed is a barren wasteland, ravaged by palestinians who know nothing, care for nothing, and think of nothing except death and destruction.



All_I_Can_Stands said...

So this is why the Israelis don't throw stones and the Palestinians do.

Malott said...

The glass houses?

I wonder if the many Arabs who prosper greatly, having assimiliated into Israeli culture, are as hated as the Jews? I figure much of the hatred has to be motivated by envy and jealousy, which could also be directed at Jew-friendly Arabs?

Am I confused on this one?

Anonymous said...

That says it all...