Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Finally Some Important News

1,500 cruise ship passengers without toilets for 'three days'

Around 1,450 passengers on a luxury cruise ship have been left without toilets for three days, according to people on board.
A series of blockages in the plumbing system is said to have led to "mayhem" on board Thomson's Destiny cruise ship.
Tour operator Thomson admitted that there have been problems with the vacuum system of the toilets, but said it was bringing in a team of "super-technicians" to fix the system overnight.

Now there is a job I'd like. "Super Toilet Technician." Where do you go to school for that? And, just what is the school's mascot?

Mrs Twigg, 51, said Destiny had been without toilets for three days and hot water for at least 24 hours.
She said there was "mayhem" on board the ship, which is full, and a protest meeting was being held by passengers.


No chamber pots on board? And I have to wonder if the problem has dampened the passengers' enthusiasm for the all-you-can-eat buffets? I wonder, if when the announcement comes that the toitees are fixed, will the rush to make dookey overwhelm the system once again? And who is the guy that clogged the system in the first place? I'd like to meet him. I'd like to shake his hand.


All_I_Can_Stands said...

Hopefully nobody emptied their chamber pot into the wind

Malott said...

Actually I pictured people with their butts hanging over the deck railing, while being supported by friends.

SkyePuppy said...

I once bought a book for my kids when they were little. It was cross-section drawings of all sorts of things: Cruise ships, Spanish Galleons, the Space Shuttle. In every drawing, they showed someone using the toitee. The Spanish Galleon (or was that the Mayflower?) had wooden planks that stuck out horizontally from the sides of the ship, with holes in them of the proper size. The sailor would sit with his back to the sea and do his business, which dropped into the ocean. I'm sure that setup helped keep things ship-shape.

The cruise ships might keep some wooden planks with holes in them tucked inside the lifeboats, just in case...

Anonymous said...

Maybe some crazy cruising muslim, hell bent on educating the cruising infidels, accidentally flushed his koran. Thus debilitating the super flushing system.

If that's the case, what do you think would happen if a muslim super flushing system technician came upon the flushed koran?

High Seas Intifada!

All_I_Can_Stands said...

Actually I pictured people with their butts hanging over the deck railing, while being supported by friends.

Very funny picture. Hopefully no honeymooners. If one of the pair falls into the ocean, its a 9 month story on Nancy Grace.

All_I_Can_Stands said...

Ok, I'm in my early 40's. When do I finally outgrow my enjoyment of bodily function humor?

Anonymous said...

What is it with men and toilet humor? Is it the same as the three stooges thing?

Anonymous said...


Pull my finger.