Thursday, October 05, 2006

Foley and Self Control

Definitions and labels are good. They help us differentiate objects and concepts that otherwise might be lumped together and misunderstood.

When I hear that a person is gay, I figure he has same sex attractions and acts upon those attractions. When I hear that a person is a heterosexual, I figure that he has opposite sex attractions that he may or may not act upon. Why the difference?

From Newsmax:
Conservative gay columnist Andrew Sullivan wrote that he was among many in Washington who had heard that Foley was gay yet unwilling to come out.
"What the closet does to people - the hypocrisies it fosters, the pathologies it breeds - is brutal," Sullivan wrote on his Web site. "From what I've read, Foley is another example of this destructive and self-destructive pattern for which the only cure is courage and honesty."

I disagree with Mr Sullivan. The answer to Mark Foley's dilemma was self control, which he evidently lacked. It's the same self control exercised by heterosexual men when they see a pretty little teenage girl and choose not to entertain inappropriate thoughts about her. A good man develops integrity, discipline, and standards that steer him through a daily minefield of opportunities to be a creep. These qualities work for heterosexuals, men with same sex attractions, and even old bachelors like me. I'm still attracted to young women - I like them - but part of growing up and being a man is developing a character that resides above the gutter. It's simply saying no to unworthy things. It's learning how to address an inappropriate thought by mentally changing the subject... a practiced discipline.

Historically, homosexuality has featured adult men with youths, just as inappropriate heterosexual encounters usually involve young women. Both scenarios involve appetites developed and characters underdeveloped.

Whether it's at work, on the street, or at church - every day we rub elbows with all sorts of personalities and all sorts and degrees of sexuality. We all have things hidden in our closets that never see the light of day- and we store them right behind our integrity, discipline, standards, and self control.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Chris. It is posts like this that keep me coming back (is it true that you judge a man's intelligience by how much he agrees with you?). You da man!

As long as we, as a society, continue to let our young believe that they are victims or that they cannot control themselves we will have these kinds of behaviour. It is only when we teach them that they are made in the image of a loving God and that they are not just 'highly developed animals' that we can teach them the discipline to turn from evil. There are consequences to our actions! And we will be held responsible. And we need to teach that at a very young age.


Malott said...


Thanks for your comments.

SkyePuppy said...

Both scenarios involve appetites developed and characters underdeveloped.

You're spot on! Great post.

And John, you said it beautifully.

Funny that the very people who would keep us, especially our youth, in the animal state are the ones who like to call themselves "progressive." But when they declare that character doesn't matter and that appetites are there to be indulged, they're anything but progressive.

Anonymous said...

So, you can't be gay unless you have hot steamy gay sex?

Well, I guess I'm straight then.

Your logic is stupid.

Malott said...


Actually I meant to suggest that there are many men with same sex attractions, and other attractions, that choose to exercise self-control and live a celibate life. Men with these attractions don't necessarily check their integrity at the closet door, but live their lives with honor and decency - because it's the right thing to do.

Good to hear from you again and learn your real name.

janice said...

Once again Chris, your insight is spot on. Great post.